Husband Runs To Court For Help As His Wife’s S£XUAL Desires & Urge Get Worse

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A certain marriage in the western part of the country, precisely in Lagos State is at the verge of crashing following the decision of the husband to seek solution to his marital issues at the court of law.

Mr. Greg, 46, is married to Esther, 37, from Akwa-Ibom State, and their marriage of seven years is blessed with four children already, courtesy of his wife’s huge sexual urge.

Unfortunately, their marriage is about hitting the rock as he has approached the magistrate court in Lagos State, to dissolve their marriage, on the ground that he can’t contain his wife’s excessive S£XUAL urge and desires.

According to him, “I comes home from work as a banker, mostly tired and weak, but my wife won’t understand that. She must demand for S£X every other night, and if it’s not up to three rounds and above, she won’t give me peace nor allow me have a good rest”.

“She will either accuse me of keeping another woman outside or that I have lost interest in her because of other women I meet.

Most times, before I leave for work in the morning, she must demand for it from me, else I will go to work late that day as she will insist if she doesn’t get it from me, then I won’t go to work,” he further lamented.

Mr. Greg equally revealed that he falls sick often as a result of excessive S£X, and that he’s not wealthy enough to eat enough of what will replenish what goes out of his body every day.

“You can imagine a man having sex everyday, not just a round of it, but multiple times everyday, is it not madness? How do you except me to continue in that way and still be healthy? Do you know at times, I feel like I’m being pushed around by the wind because I have lost so much weight”.

When asked if the matter has been discussed between both families before he made up his mind to approach the court to dissolve their marriage, he said yes. But that his wife is not willing to change, as she’s just too obsessed with S£X.

“She won’t change. Different people have waded into this matter on many occasions but nothing has changed. Even our pastor and his wife have been involved in this matter severally but nothing changed afterwards”.

“Do you know that on several occasions, when we have get set for Church, this woman will start her drama, then we will leave the children inside the car, come inside the house to have it? That’s the extent she cannot control her S£XUAL urge.

I can’t even count the number of times we have had it inside the bathroom. Yes, because we must have it there, else I won’t have peace afterwards.

Imagine we already have four kids in a marriage of seven years! All because of this madness of hers, and you can imagine how many kids we are going to have at the long run? No way, God forbid!”

Meanwhile, efforts to hear from his wife Esther, proved abortive as she insisted that it’s purely a family affair.

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