Here’s A Popular And Tasty Common Street Food In Philippines That Boost Male S£XUAL Drive.

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Rated among one of the most disgusting delicacies around the world, but Balut or also known as Balot is one of the most desired delicacies among Philipinos.

Frankly, just the sight alone is capable of turning you off instantly, but just like they say, “another man’s food is another’s poison” and vice versa.

It is very popular in countries like Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and in many parts of China, especially in the South. Though it is equally important to mention that, the dish is mostly popular amongst Philipino families who has ethnic Chinese lineage or background.


This is basically a boiled eggs of a duck fowl, which is about 2-3 weeks or 18 days in development. In other words, these eggs contain chicks inside, of which when you crack it you are sure to see a chick inside of it along with the egg, just as seen in the picture above.

You peel of the outer layer of the egg and equally sip the warm and delicious brother, and proceed to also peel off the entire shell, then eat the little chick inside and the yolk as well. Meanwhile, the chick is said to be extremely tasty, possessing similar to a full grown chicken along with the creamy tasty yolk.

On the other hand, some people prefer adding a little quantity of salt and maybe, seasoned vinegar to it, making it more tasty and delicious. Then there’s another style of eating it, were others prefer a combination of Balut and savory soup, fresh meaty bird and warm yolk.

While the native owners of the delicacy fear of its extinction due to the disgusting sight of it, schools in Philippines have adopted it into their curriculum. As such, Balut are taught to young science students, during anatomy practical classes.

Then the students are made to eat it after the teaching, to avoid wastage of it. CNN reported that some students complained of being forced to eat it, else they get poor score for the subject.


The most commonly claimed heath benefits attached to this dish is that it boost male libido (sexual drive) and fertility so much. Then, it is claimed to give only nutrients and energy to the women on the other hand.

So, to our women out there, next time your man is having issues with his sexual drive and fertility rate is dropping, kindly look no further for the solution, for Balut is here for for you guys!

(Photo Credit: Google Photos)

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