Young Marriage About Crashing Over Wife’s Demand For Pastor To Wash Her Plate.

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The craze and crave for sexual satisfaction amongst women of this generation is practically destroying many marriages at such an alarming rate. Sadly, many women are now going the extra mile to get maximum sexual satisfaction, regardless of the consequences.

Well, the story on our desk is about a young marriage that’s at the verge of collapse, following wife’s demand for her husband, who’s a Church Pastor, to wash her plate (give her a head).

This couple who has been married for about six months, after the man of God fell in love with one of the choir girls. Performed all the necessary marriage rites and took her in as his legally married wife.

At first, she would always act like a novice when it comes to the issue of sex, to the extent she hardly allow the man of God go beyond just two rounds, sometimes she insist it must be just one round of love making.

Even, whenever her husband come up with the idea of exploring different sex styles, she would object to it, on the ground that such are unholy practices and that she’s not used to such lifestyle.

Now, one day she stumbled on a site that showcases different sex styles, at first, she wanted to quit the site, but at a second thought, she encouraged herself to see the videos of such, after all that she’s not doing any of it but only to see them.

Along the line, she got fascinated by a particular video, where the man was busy washing the woman’s plate. She felt the pleasure and moaning in the woman’s voice, and was instantly aroused that she picked her phone to call her husband, asking him to come home on time, as she has made something special for him.

She made sure to clean up properly and eagerly waited for her husband’s return. The husband queried severally to know that special thing she has kept for him, but she refused, insisting that it was a surprise.

Later that night, while they had retired to the bed, she began touching her husband and continued till he picked interest. While they were still playing and romancing, she whispered to him

“I read a book today, I discovered something you will love…”

“And what’s that?” He enquired.

She hesitated, smiling. “Okay, have you heard about plate washing in love making?’

The husband was lost, “what is that?”

She hesitated, feeling shy, but he urged her to speak as there’s nothing to be shy for. She summoned courage and finally opened up to her husband, explaining in details what she meant by “washing her plate”.

The husband instantly exploded, and became so furious, insisting that his wife must reveal where she learnt such from, while equally accusing her of infidelity which is where she learnt such ungodly act from.

“I swear with my life, I have never cheated on your honey, I learnt this from a book I read in the afternoon,” she insisted.

“Okay, get the book let me see”.

She was confused as there’s no book in the house that contains such. Then she told him that she read the book on the internet. But all that was a “cock and bull” story to his ears. On the other hand, she can’t possibly tell him that she was watching X-rated videos online, because to get it will only make matter worse.

They continued and leading to a serious problem between them, such that the man of God has made it clear that he’s no longer interested in the Marriage as his wife is a cheat and can never be trusted. He called her all sort of unprintable names.

At the moment, he has informed both families that their marriage is over, and that nothing can make him have a change of mind. Though both families are still finding ways to settle the couple, which is likely not to yield any positive result as the Pastor-husband has practically lost interest in both the marriage and in his wife.

What head giving can not cause does not exist!!!

(Photos used for illustration from Google photos)

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