You Kpekus Will Suffer Well-Well If You Have Beauty Without Brains- Beautiful Female Doc Tackles Her Gender.

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Beautiful Nigerian female Doctor who is known for her “gbas gbos” comments is at it once again, and this time, she is not mincing words as she hit hard at her fellow women. She is reminding other women the importance of building their brain capacity as not to solely rely on their physical beauty.

According to Dr. Obianma Onya, it is important that a woman should have both beauty and brain, because if she has only the beauty, then a lot of men will continue to take advantage of her, as such, it is her Kpekus that will suffer it the most in the end.

“If you have beauty without brains, your pr!vate parts go suffer well well,” she wrote.

Going further, she warned women who are quick to offering their body in exchange for jobs, positions, etc, that once you do not have the brain to sustain such jobs or positions then the woman becomes vulnerable to the men looking out to exploit their weaknesses.

In her exact words, “you might get a free ride or an express job offer as a fine geh(girl) but if you no get brains to sustain am, you are vulnerable to segzual predators”.

She then warned her fellow female gender to desist from the habit of exchanging their body for jobs and important positions in their working place.

“STOP SLEEPING YOUR WAY TO THE TOP. If you do, you do not qualify to be a BABYGIRL4LIFE,” she wrote.

Harsh as you may consider her words, but she has just said the bitter truth, of which most women in this part of the world are guilty of, especially the younger generation of women, who are always ready and willing to risk it all just to get whatever they want.

Meanwhile, it is not just about the work, many do it just to lay hands on some material things they so desire, just to be counted among the big girls. You see them doing it to own the latest iphone, flashy cars, apartments, enter the latest club in town to party. There are others who do it just to secure the funds to lavish on fashion, go on vacation to different countries of the world.

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