Why You Guys Should Stop Putting Unnecessary Pressure On Nollywood Actress Nancy Regards Marriage.

4 minutes, 40 seconds Read

Yes, marriage is a beautiful thing, though a good marriage, but the fact remains that marriage is not everything in life, and one who doesn’t get married has committed any known offence or sin. It’s just so unfortunate that in this part of the world, there’s this mentality that the ultimate achievement for every woman is marriage, as such, even right from her birth, the society has already began exerting marriage pressure on the girl child.

Meanwhile I have read a lot of stuffs about our darling model, actress and TV personality, Nancy Isime with regards to marriage. While some kept hammering on the point that she’s fully ripe for marriage, especially as she has achieved a lot for herself, while on the other hand, some are of the opinion that with the level of wealth she currently possesses, that it will be difficult for her to see a man that will marry her.

First of all, Nancy has never for one day complained or campaigned for husband, so why are people disturbing her life with this unending unpleasant discussions about marriage. If it has become visible to the public that she’s lamenting and weeping that marriage is not forth coming, then you guys can start this kind discussion, but this is a woman who’s focused on her life and career, contributing her quota to the world and mankind.

BeSides, who told you people that she’s not getting suitors all these while? Is it because she’s a private person who doesn’t spread everything about her life on social media unlike many other celebrities, then you have concluded that no man would want her as a wife because of her net worth? Frankly, this is one of the absurd contents I have ever read in recent years.

On the other hand, who do most of us in this side of the world despise minding our businesses? We have this trademark habit of always drinking Panadol for another’s headache, even when we have no business or relationship with the affected person in any way whatsoever. If Nancy did not complain about marriage not happening in her life, why then should it be your sleepless nights experience?

Secondly, I don’t even understand what most men really want in this life, yes, I don’t really know. Same men are busy campaigning that men should stop marrying women who are liabilities to them, who have nothing tangible to bring to the table. Now, here’s a beautiful and highly successful woman who has more than enough to bring to the table, now it is the same men who have turned to the microphone to cry that her net worth is intimidating and all that. Then you ask again, what does men really want in a woman? Because most of similar or same contents I read about her were written by the opposite gender.

I was thinking that most men would have found so much joy and happiness in marrying a woman like Nancy Isime, but I think I was totally wrong, going by all these things I read about her from some of the male genders.

But let me ask, why should a woman’s success and achievement be a threat to any right thinking man? Except for the men who have hidden agenda or motive, especially those who have obsession for controlling their partners, who want them to be a sit at home wife. Yes, coz if truly you are among the men who want their wives to work, be independent and successful, I do not see why such should be your nightmare talk more of being your worse nightmare.

That’s how many women in this part of the world ended up as liabilities and baggages in the hands of most men, their so called husbands, men who are dream killers and worse. You will see a woman learning one career or the other, or making arrangements to further her education, and from nowhere marriage happens. Before the marriage, he had promised heaven and earth, to sponsor her education to Oxford, open businesses or sponsor her to learn the career she had wanted to. But immediately after the marriage, all that promises are thrown into the waste bin.

Even when the woman is struggling to do it on her own, this same men will do everything to frustrate her, and before you know it, the woman must have given up on her dreams. So, is that the same experience you people won’t allow Nancy and other women to have a peace of mind about? Because the way we talk about marriage here, you would have thought that it is an experience worth more than even heaven, unknown to you that it is an experience next to hell, on several occasions.

Therefore, Nancy Isime should be left alone, allow her follow words to words the script she has written for her life. Regardless of the fact that marriage is such a beautiful thing, but equally, marriage is not everything and can never be. That you are not married, as a man or woman, doesn’t make you less human. Yes, it simply means that, this is the life I have chosen for myself, just like one chooses to pursue a footballing, acting, modelling, writing career, etc, same way choose to be married or not, or to do it at a certain stage in their lives.

Written by Okwor Maxwell Onyeka; Nollywood filmmaker, writer and author of Vengeance Of The Spirit, Forbidden Son, Conquering The Needless War Surrounding Feminism Ideology, How Love Conquered The World, and others. onyekaondeck@gmail.com

(Photos credit: Instagram/Nancy Isime)

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