Why Very Dark BlackMan Must Avoid These Women At All Cost After Regaining His Freedom Finally

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For the sake of his life, peace and otherwise, Very Dark BlackMan must as a matter of urgent important, hands off any sort of fighting with these three women we gonna reveal in this article.

The popular and controversial Nigerian internet sensation and Activist may have regained his Freedom from police detention after about a week or so. Meanwhile, a lot of drama has surrounded his life and career, both before and during his incarceration, with divided opinions hovering around him.

Some never agreed that the young man was actually doing a work of an activist while some others argued that he has actually done a lot for it comes to fighting injustice, fake products, etc.

Be that as it may, I personally think that Very Dark BlackMan actually did went astray and obviously carried away by the sudden success and fame he achieved within a short period of time. As such he turned it into malice and unnecessary trolling and trolling of perceived enemies, basically from the opposite gender.

1) Tonto Dikeh: Frankly speaking, if you ask me what he was actually dragging with Tonto Dikeh, I can’t possibly lay hands on any meaningful something. Or he was actually doing all that dirty fighting with her just to trend and remain in the news, or was working for some persons behind the scene.

Well, he should now understand that he cannot win such kind of fight with Tonto Dikeh, no matter how he tries or who he knows. The important lesson here is that the actress doesn’t care if she’s fighting dirty publicly or not, as such, she doesn’t care whatever the outcome will be.

On the other hand, he should have it in mind that the actress never quits first in any social media fight, and she is ready to mess your personality up in the dirties mud. She has connections in high places, as such, she can go any length to ensure she wins you in such dirty fighting.

2) Bobrisky: Another person who fights so dirty publicly as well. He should avoid Bobrisky at all cost as well because I can’t possibly understand his fight with the Cross Dresser.

If he’s thinking that dragging Bobrisky will make him change his lifestyle and identity, then he must be a joker. Can he drag Bobrisky what Nigerians have actually dragged him over the years, especially during the early days of his cross dressing and otherwise?

Bobrisky is one person as well, who has big connections in the society, and can go any mile to get him pined down. Even if he wants to preach against Bobrisky’s lifestyle, then let him do it in the most modest and mature manner. He must not always be in a fight with people before he can do his activism job.

3) Iyabo Ojo: The prominent actress and businesswoman is another figure Very Dark BlackMan should avoid picking needless fight with. She is another of Very Dark Blackman’s regular social media fighting mate, and forgetting that Iyabo Ojo can engage in all manner of dirty fighting online.

Aside that, she too has what you guys call long legs in the society, as such, she knows one or two offices to visit and things will begin to happen in the life of Very Dark BlackMan.

Meanwhile, he has become so obsessed with social media war of words that most times he doesn’t even know when to let go or continue. And the most painful thing in all of these is how he go about making wild accusations and allegations, mostly of which he will sweat under his anus to back them up with evidences.

While I may not have included Nkechi Blessing and Blessing CEO in the list, it is important he stops all these needless fighting them as well. He stands to gain nothing by fighting all these people, yes, because there’s no important price at stake. Rather, it’s just an ego inspired fighting and nothing more.

Note: I’m not discouraging him from standing up against injustices and peddling of fake products, especially cosmetic products. But the kind of fighting he has engaged with the aforementioned persons has no business with activism.

So, he should draw the line between activism and creating contents on social media with all these dragging he involves himself into. Dragging and activism are two different things, and I think VDM is more into dragging than activism, especially of late.

But if he thinks I’m blabbing then let him continue fighting with these women, let’s see what becomes of his life and career in the end, sooner than later!

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