Why It Is Dangerous & Risky Playing With A Woman’s Heart, Emotions & Feelings After Going To Bed With Her!!!

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Most men find so much joy and pleasure sleeping with different women in the name of being either a smart man or a guy man, and are hailed by friends, which in turn makes most of these men begin to feel like ‘King of the Street or King of the Jungle”. Well, it’s just so unfortunate you do not really understand what you are doing!

You see women, they value their nakedness more than anything on this earth, and before she grants any man access to it, she must thought about it for several nights; about the implications, what she stands to gain, etc. I’m not talking about women who do not have self worth any longer. Of she grants access to her nakedness, just understand that she has already established a spiritual connection with you, more like a covenant, and be mindful of what you do to her from that period.

Yes, because if wrong a woman, especially if she has done nothing bad to you, my brother if she goes naked and pray midnight on top your head, you are into a big shit ooh. Most men will dismiss this with an arrogant wave of hand, but the wise ones among them knows the truth in this talk.

That’s why you will see a lot of men working so hard, have put in a lot of efforts in their career/business, but making no tangible progress in their life. They will be going around campaigning how his village people do not want them to progress, jumping from one native doctor or man of God to another, seeking solution to their problem, and in the end no solution. But you might not know that a lot of women you maltreated and messed with their life, emotions and feelings have laid dangerous prayers on your head.

Meanwhile, do not be deceived by some other men whom you think are chronic womanizers yet are successful. My brother, life and destinies are not the same, what works for Peter may not work for Paul. So, be very careful with what you emulate in life, so you do not end up caging yourself spiritually without knowing about.

Women are too spiritual, her body is the connection that will eventually link you to her spirituality, which will either make or break you. Her body is more like an alter, temple or shrine to her, which she guards jealously, and giving you access to it comes with a huge prize that you might not be aware of initially.

Aside the powers in a woman’s tongue, a woman’s heart is stronger than that of a man, as such, she might decide to do a particular thing against you for hurting her feelings and messing up with her emotions, after she must have given you access to her temple, and she won’t even look back nor think twice. That’s one danger about the mind of a woman, which is another reason.

So my brother, as you are thinking of eating that next target of yours and pushing her out like waste, just like you have done to many others, think twice. A word is enough for the wise!

Written by our guest writer, Okwor Maxwell Onyeka (Nollywood filmmaker, author of several books like Vengeance Of The Spirit, Forbidden Son, Conquering The Needless War Surrounding Feminism Ideology, How Love Conquered The World, others). onyekaondeck@gmail.com

(photos credit: Google photos)

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