Why Every Woman Without Marriage At Age 40 Should Emulate Ini Edo & Have A Fulfilled Life Afterwards!

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Nollywood actress, Ini Edo sort to have her own child, but life seems to be unfair in that regard, including a failed marriage, multiple miscarriages and no subsequent marriage as well. What did she do? She choose her path, carved out a plan for herself, and today she has finally had a child of her own.

While we pray to get old in life, on the other hand aging is yet another dreaded reality of life, especially when you are unsure of what awaits your when you begin to age. It is most worrisome when you know that both the strength and health won’t always be there for you to enjoy.

Then it’s imperative for you to plan ahead of time, else you may end up in a pathetic condition later in your life. Even, you may have worked so hard in life to build your empire, with great wealth and achievements attached to it, who then takes over from you when you are no longer strong or may have left the world.

This is why as a woman, it is imperative that at certain stage in your life, you should take the bold step of getting a child for yourself once marriage has repeatedly failed to happen, especially from age 40 and above.

The fact remains that many people, including your churches, family, society, friends and others may try to discourage you or counter it, but you are not doing this for their sake because they won’t be there for you when that time comes. As such, their opinions or validation is absolutely insignificant at this point in your life. Because in the end, life is mostly anchored on OYO (On Your Own).

Your first option should be getting a man who you both will have a kid together, then if that didn’t work out then go for IVF if you can actually afford it, or you go for adoption. While doing this, do not listen to what people will say about your decisions because you are doing it for yourself and not for the validation of the world.

You may have invested in your family, relatives, friends or others, but there’s no guarantee they will be there for you later in life. Yes, aside other factors, you should understand that most people are more concerned about their own welfare that they do not have both the time and resources to spare for others.

I have seen some argue that there’s no guarantee as well that your child/children will be there for you at your old age. Well, do your part, do the needful and leave the rest to God to handle.

Besides, that’s why it is good to give your child/children sound education and help them stand in life. There’s no way the child or children you have trained well in school and equally help in moulding their bright future will turn their back against you at your old age.

So, just go ahead and do you, forget public opinions. At the end of the day, everyone will retire to their houses and comfort zones, no one will ask you to bring your burdens so they help you carry it. It is one of the most rarest thing to expect from life.

Finally, plan well for your old age and do the needful. Have a great day!

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