Why Every Wife Out There Should Be Like Davido’s Wife, Chioma Rowland Adeleke!

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Understanding some of these qualities of a wife that made Chioma stood out, and rare to find in a world of today as well…

Let this not trigger the spirit of envy, jealousy, prejudice and despise in you, for it will sure benefit you, both as a man or woman, to actually understand what we are gonna pen down in this article.

Yes, many people, especially people from this my part of the world, will always say that, the reason why Chioma cannot walk out her marriage with Davido is because of money. On the other hand, they will come up with another defense, that why she’s tolerating all these things from her husband, Davido, is because of money.

Well, if you are still among those who go to bed with such a mindset, then you are not being truthful to yourself. Yes, because just like I’m aware of, you all are aware of the fact that we have seen lots of wealthy marriages/homes crash, regardless of all the millions and billions there in. We have equally seen marriages of such status laced with all sorts of unending drama and crisis from both parties.

You see in this life, you cannot give what you don’t have, it is always a situation of garbage in garbage out. And that’s why you see people, no matter the opportunities, connections or support you give them, they will still fail in life or whatever adventure they get involved in.

Chioma is not the only woman married into a wealthy home, and we have seen how some of these marriages end up like.

Stop saying that Chioma cannot leave Davido, no, rather it is the other way round. In other words, Davido cannot leave Chioma. Yes, as a man you don’t joke with your peace of mind and backbone. Chioma has been more than all that to Davido, and you don’t expect the “Fall” crooner to mess around with such a golden asset and treasure.

In the face of all the infidelity drama surrounding Davido, of which on some of these occasions, many people had expected their marriage to crash. But Chioma will always disappoint their thoughts and expectations. She handles such situations far better than professionals and experts in marriage and home crisis management.

At such times, people will eagerly wait to hear what she will say, probably coming on social media to eat her husband raw. They will wait, hoping and praying for Chioma to say something, especially that which they wish to hear.

As usual, she never shows up, leaving them fatally disappointed, to the extent that most of them will begin to hurl all sorts of unprintable words and names on her. Yet, she still maintains her lane, as such, many people have given up on waiting to hear what Chioma will say.

She’s just so dedicated to her life, marriage and family, simply because she understands that the solution of her marital issues doesn’t exist on social media. Rather, what you will get there is what will pour more fuel into the flames in your marriage.

Chioma has over time, proven to whoever cares to know or listen, that social media, internet or societal validation is not what she needs to have peace in her home, nor the elixir to having a successful and beautiful marriage.

Funny enough, because of how she has handled all these issues, many people have started claiming that all these infidelity drama surrounding her husband, Davido, is actually publicity stunt. But if it was that she constantly falls into their traps, then no one would have ever thought of it as a publicity stunt.

So, let’s just give Chioma Rowland Adeleke her flowers, she has merited it. So, when some of us advocates for other women/wives to be like her, especially in their marriages then try to understand what we actually meant and why.

NOTE: This doesn’t mean that we have given support to a husband behaving in a manner that hurts the emotions and feelings of his wife. God forbid! As such, we are not giving credence to the things Davido has allegedly been involved in, with regards to infidelity and all that drama.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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