Why Are Kidnappers in Nigeria Always Looking Wretched/Hungry With All The Millions They Extort? Here’s Why…

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The worsening security situation in the country is actually a serious nightmare facing every patriotic Nigerian citizen, especially the current state of things in the country. Frankly, many Nigerians have actually given up on any form of solution in the country with regards to the security situation, especially kidnapping.

Now, the question is, what is that most of the kidnappers caught in this our country always look hungry, wretched and dirty, in spite all the millions they extort from both the poor and rich across the country? This question is seriously begging for an answer, and desperately for that matter!

Without mincing words, something fishy is seriously going on in this country with regards to this kidnapping of a thing, and until that very issue is tackled, I can bet you that this menace is very far from being over. Yes, there’s a strong indication that these people being caught are just the messengers of the brain behind the unending cases of kidnapping in this country. They are powerful people in the country who are actually sponsoring these boys, who are the ones controlling the millions paid as ransoms by their victims.

There’s nothing anyone can tell me to convince me on this, because of you see someone controlling such millions of Naira you will definitely know that such person is touching good funds. You can’t tell me that it is all these wretched and hungry looking faces that are often paraded by the security agencies that are controlling such huge sums of money, it is not possible.

Just go take a look at the photos of these kidnap suspects and understand what I’m talking about. Google their photos, and take a good look at a number of them, then you will surely understand the truth. There’s no way you will be controlling such millions of Naira and still be looking like one who is suffering from kwashiorkor and other pathetic ailments.

And let me shock you, the men sponsoring these criminals are highly connected, and cuts across all works of life; they are occupying powerful positions in different sectors of the country including in the security outfits, hence why it is difficult to curb this menace! So, do not expect this problem to end anytime soon, because the powerful hands and forces behind it is not just something you can easily defeat, I don’t see such possiblity my brother.

This might sound weird and unrealistic to some people, but my brother, go home and do your background check, without sentiments or biased mind, then come back let’s have this conversation again. These kidnappers are just like movie stars who you see in the front of the cameras, but the big boys who sponsors the movies are far from the front of the rolling camera, and you might never get to know them. That’s the typical situation of what we have in this country with regards to the worsening case of kidnapping and abductions across the country.

These men have boys recruited into their camps, just like we have in the security organs, and other similar setups. You can catch or kill ten of their boys then others will be unleashed on the society to continue from where their predecessors stopped, and as such, the circle of crime (kidnapping) goes on and on, till only God knows when.

(By our guest writer Okwor Maxwell Onyeka, author of How Love Conquered The World, Conquering The Needles War Surrounding Feminism Ideology and others. onyekaondeck@gmail.com)

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