What You Need To Know About Nollywood Actor, Yul Edochie And His Unending Controversies.

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Yul Edochie no doubt has earned the status of the most talked about personality in this part of the world, and the young man will continue to occupy that hard to earn position for a very long time to come. Do not doubt it, for you will surely live to see it happen.

Besides hasn’t he been in the news consistently for years now, and this is not by magic, but the young man actually knows what Nigerians want to hear or see, as such, he is giving it to them back to back. I have hardly seen any human in this country that has been on the lips of millions of Nigerians this long, and Yul has done it and continuing as well.

Many of us might think we are de-marketing him, but on the other we are actually keeping him relevant in the media space, far more than he could have ordinarily achieved on his own. And where people failed to draw their boundary is exactly same spot they have continued to make him more relevance. Yes, immediately he announced Judy Austin as his second wife, and the subsequent reactions from May, he was dragged like mad. It has continued for years now, yet people are still on his matter.

Even before this moment, people should have understand that Yul and his Judy Austin have actually developed a thick skin, such that there’s hardly anything you would say that will make him quit whatever he’s doing now.

Now, he has launched his ministry on YouTube, which expectedly will attract thousands or millions of people to his channel there, including those genuinely following him and those going to see what he does or to attack him as usually. In all, you are giving him more relevance and views on his channel, which in turn puts more money into his coffer. Do not be surprised that he comes up with yet another project tomorrow, coz he knows you guys will still attack it, there by giving it enough publicity and relevance.

You think he is a fool when he started supporting APC and President Tinubu, of course he knows that people will come for his head as usual. But he was actually very intentional about his decisions and actions, knowing that the attacks on him for supporting Tinubu will eventually sell him to the President and in turn fetch him one appointment or some other benefit. Do not be deceived by asking why hasn’t he been recognized by Mr. President, that’s not how politics works, it’s a magical something. If it doesn’t happen today, it can happen tomorrow or in the nearest future.

Yul is just playing serious mind game with you guys, and that’s why you see him hardly get angry over whatever comment you leave on his posts. Or have you ever seen anyone complaining that Yul blocked him or her, or that he attacked him or her for their comments on his post? That alone should inform you that he’s only playing mind game.

So, it’s better people just let the young man be, coz all these attacks on him won’t make him have any sleepless night, not even for once. I have personally studied the entire scenario and come to the conclusion that he knows exactly what he’s doing. Else ask yourself, who will intentionally and continually set himself up for all that heartbreaking attacks, insults, abuses, etc? No sane person will do such.

Whether he’s getting it right or not, the point remains that he’s just playing with people’s mind, for all the reasons best known to him. But start overlooking some of these things he stages, once little or no attention is given to his dramas, I bet you, he will stop it.

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