What Very Dark BlackMan Must Understand & Avoid As He Regains His Freedom At Last.

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The story surrounding the incarceration of popular and controversial social media sensation and Activist, Very Dark BlackMan, VDM, is not new to many ears. Recall the young man was picked up about a week ago by the Nigerian police on allegation of Cyber bullying, rumoured to have been masterminded by Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh.

Well, the good news is that he has just been released this evening, Sunday March 31, 2024, as revealed by another popular Activist, Comrade Deji Adeyanju.

Now, it is left for Very Dark BlackMan to have a true sober reflection on both himself and work of activism. Yes, because the young man actually started well, but along the line he became something else, that even some of those who used to love his job began to lose interest in him.

He should be very mindful of the kind of words he uses in his broadcast or posts, because some of the things he says are extremely uncalled for and has crossed red lines on too many occasions. Sadly, most of these sensitive allegations from him are lacking any concrete evidence to proof them, if he’s actually asked to do so.

Making categorical statements is very dangerous, especially when being fed to the public. Besides, he doesn’t even care the category of people he was fighting, he may wake up today and decides to engage in a war of words with the Chief of Defence Staff and the Inspector General of Police, throwing all sorts of dangerous allegations against them. Then tomorrow it is with one Governor and Senator, in the same manner, and its just an endless fighting for him.

See activists like Sowore, Aisha Yesufu, Deji, even with their level of connections, you don’t see them fighting like one drowning in a river, all in the name of doing activism. For instance, when you think of Aisha Yesufu, you remember her fight to bring back the Chibok Girls, and some other fights. You don’t see her fighting many people every day, in the name of activism.

While equally going about bragging to have powerful people in different positions of authority in the country, as such, that nobody can do you anything. That alone shows how he is ignorant of the kind of society he lives in.

Also, he should stop this habit of constantly picking fights with many people at the same time. He must not carry the problems of the world on his head, day and night. The world is full of evil, especially in this part of the world, were many people do not want to see who is opposing their evil deeds. In whatever you are doing in this life, your life should be your top priority.

Very Dark BlackMan actually went too far, possibly without having a proper check on somethings he got into. He was fighting too many people at the same time, and in such situations, you are bound to make lots of mistakes, which may hunt you badly, even without you knowing. Yes, you would probably have made too many enemies, who may equally have swore to deal with you, but due to the fact that you have too many fights at hand you may easily get defeated.

Finally, he should equally cut down on how he loves fighting with women, especially most of these stubborn type, who are ready and willing to do anything to have you go down. Because he made it look like he is out to fight the opposite gender, for reasons best known to him though.

Women are naturally ego people, they hate being humiliated, especially publicly. As such, they are ready to go any length just to deal with you and mess things up for you. Fight with sense, and fight to equally stay safe and alive in the end.

Also, he must understand the kind of society we have here, in the sense that he should stop putting his life in danger in the name of fighting unnecessarily. Nigeria is not that kind of society, at least he saw how many people went into the street to protest for his release.

The highest they did was rant on social media for few days, while equally going about their normal lives, hustling and making their money. Even the so called powerful connections he has, none stopped their business or career for the sake of his incarceration, that is another big lesson to him, only if he actually learnt anything.

just like boldly written on his polo, “Don’t Play”.

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