What Places Davido And Cristiano Ronaldo Far Ahead Of Their Colleagues In Their Career Path!

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Having whatever level of talent is not enough to make anyone successful, talk more of being highly successful, and equally for that longer period of time. While some may just taste success for quite some time and before you know it, both the person and the success has gone into oblivion, only to be living in the shadows of their past glory.

Mere talent is not what will make you successful and great nor keep you at the top either for a long time or forever. And when you look at the career of both Davido and Cristiano Ronaldo, you will definitely see clearly what we are talking about. While both may even share similar traits in so many areas in their respective careers, but I’m even more enthralled by that of Davido.

First of all, the level of consistent hardwork among the two individual is worthy of being a case study even in the universities, and they have maintained same energy for many years. Surprisingly, these individuals have actually reached the peak of their careers respectively, both looking at the level of the consistent hardwork in them, you will only think that they are still struggling to make it in life.

The same energy they carried from the beginning of their careers is what both still maintains till date. And without being told, you can see how they have actually gone far ahead most of their colleagues, and still going. Some of you might think it’s that easy, until you achieve fame and fortune, then you will understand that there’s a spirit that comes with it, that tells you to slow it down, that you have actually achieved your goal in life.

But these two has obviously refused to be overwhelmed by such mindset or deceitful voice. As such, everyday they put in more hardwork in their careers as though they are still chasing fame and fortune, and success as well. And no doubt, that’s the major reason why they have remained at the top of their game this long, even outliving those who came after them.

Interestingly, they don’t seem satisfied with the level of success they have achieved in their careers, hence the reason they are always out there putting in more work. The lofty height of their success is not an obsession to them, rather, they are even more interested in what more they can achieve. Such a mindset is rare, and will definitely place you far above your peer, rival or competitors.

While I respect the two for that, it is that of Davido that thrills me the most among the peer. This is a guy who comes from a very wealthy family background; billionaire father, extremely rich uncles and more. Yet, he refused to be made lazy by all that, rather he has been working hard, day and night, as though he was actually out to pull out his lineage from perpetual poverty.

Meanwhile, look at some of his colleagues in the music industry, both in the past and presently, how with little career success, they suddenly become lazy and go about flexing life and feeling like they have achieved more than enough already. But that is not Davido, the young man puts in more and more hardwork and energy into his career as though if he stops then his life might end. Meanwhile, this is someone who has an already made rich life and future at his feet.

Some of us might think this is an easy stuff until you get into his position, then you will understand better. There’s hardly a time he’s seen resting for a long period of time, as he’s often seen traveling for his career and business, or working in the studio for a new music project.

Have it mind, people with that level of mindset are hardly defeated in life, because they will never accept to settle for less. They are not carried away by whatever level of success they may have achieved. That’s why you will hear some of his colleagues announcing that they are taking a break from the hustle, but that will never be Davido.

Look at those who started at the same period with him, how many of them are still giving same level of energy and hardwork like him? That alone tells you a lot. That’s the kind of career lifestyle you need in life, and assure you with that, you will never fail. Take this to the bank!

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