What Other Women Should Learn From The Wife Murdered In UK By Jealous Husband!

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Well, it is so unfortunate that this woman has been sent to early grave by her insecure and extremely jealous husband...

Obviously, millions of people are in shock over the ugly incident involving Nigerian couple based in UK; Mr. Abiodun and his wife, following the murder of the woman by the jealous husband.

We heard they relocated to the United Kingdom in 2022, while the wife was quick to secure a job, the husband who is a civil engineer hasn’t been able to get a job. Then the report further revealed how the issue of bills and allegations of cheating (against the wife) has constantly caused issues for them.

I wouldn’t want to blame the deceased, but I will still blame her. She was actually living with a beast, because you can’t tell me this man suddenly developed this wickedness that he had to kill his wife in such a gruesome manner; strangled her, and while she was unconscious he still was rough handling her that some of her ribs were damaged and ended it by using their kids skateboard to smash her husband.

This is the height of wickedness. And it didn’t just began that day. Besides, it has equally been revealed that the man has had such and similar cases with the police. But I guess the wife was actually considering what people will say if she decides to act in a manner that will have him kicked out.

Madam, you all out there, stop giving excuses for beasts who wear the face of husbands. You are only extending your day of doom. The signs are often there for you to see, but because you are controlled and caged by some stupid emotions and sentiments, you are too blind to see it and too weak to act to protect your life.

The world and the society you are considering their opinion will move on immediately, so stop caring about their opinions. Nne, once you start seeing this beast like signs from him, run for your dear life, else you have made up your mind to be the sacrificial lamb.

On the other hand, don’t die in a marriage because you are considering the feelings of your kids. It is better the children are told their mother is at so-so place, than them being told that “here’s where your mother was buried”.

Equally, you see insecure and jealous men, try as much as you can to avoid them. Living with such men is as dangerous as living with dangerous snakes in the same house. Insecure men see your success and progress as a big threat to their existence and their own growth.

Often, they are making reference to your success and progress as to the reason why you are doing somethings. Everything you do they must link it to your success.

Then jealous men, you are constantly in “I swear to God” situation, as you keep trying to exonerate yourself from unending cheating allegations.

If you are stuck in the traffic, he accuses you of going to see your secret lovers, if the rain prevents you from reaching home on time, you are accused of being out there with your lover, if network affects your phone, you are accused of putting off your phone because you are with your secret lover.

At the peak of it, you are likely going to defend your innocence with your life. If your man, be it your husband, boyfriend or fiance is not happy with your growth, success and progress, my dear run for your dear life on time, because you are sent to early grave.

A word should be enough for the wise!!!

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