What If They Make Identical Mistake?- Reactions Over Identical Twin Brothers Married To Identical Twin Sisters.

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Regardless of the bad news we are often greeted with on our daily interaction with our world and existence, we still meet some other inspiring and heartwarming stories that becomes our source of succour.

Here’s a story about identical twin brothers who are married to identical twin sisters on the other hand. The lovely looking couples shared photos with their newly born babies which has left many people gushing over them.

Senator Shehu Sani shared the cute photo via his verified X (formerly Twitter) handle, with the caption, “Beautiful; Identical twins marrying identical twins”.

Meanwhile, many people are afraid of the couples making a dangerous mistake along the line, that may lead to the crash of their respective marriages, especially if they end up living in the same house.

“Make them shaa no stay for identical house to avoid identical mistake,” @PStreetgov.

“They call it quaternary marriage. Their children will be siblings because they will share the same genetic makeup,” Spectre @Spectre_01.

“What if they make identical mistake Congratulations to them,” Ebuka Nwafor teased.

“Never knew this is permitted in African culture sisters marrying brothers. They have same in-laws both ways,” @fesooyebade remarked.

“I hope each of them identify their husband and wife o,” Emmanuel Alohun.

“Fun fact: The kids are genetically sisters and not cousins,” Glass Harmonica @EL__optimista.

“Believe me when I say they are both craving for each others spouse,” @midntyowl.

“Is it culturally right to marry your sister in law?” Ogini Son @Jovic_gas.

“They should also look forward in making identical mistakes…anyways they are beautiful,” Okere Gift.

“They impregnate their wives the same time. Wonderful story,” Dr. Noah A. Izoukumor.

“That’s lovely but I pray there won’t be mistake of any kind especially during happy mood,” Sunny @sunny664672.

Well, they should be more careful in handling the marriage and the identity issue, it is a very sensitive aspect of these their marriage. Though I strongly believe that they already must have something they use in identifying themselves.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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