What Every Married Young Man Should Emulate About Williams Uchemba & Buchi Solomon.

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Forget about those people casting marriage on social media, saying all sorts of unsavoury and discouraging stuffs about that holy institution called “Marriage”. My friend, do not be deceived, marriage is one of the most beautiful things you can ever have in this life, and if you find one do your best to make it work.

Now to the matter of the moment, on what every married young man should emulate Buchi Solomon and Nollywood actor, Williams Uchemba. First of all, have you noticed how proud these two are about their partners? How they are always happy and proud to flaunt their partners/families at every given opportunity? You may not understand how much good such gestures does to their marriage.

These are the sorts of things most women want from their man, because to them, it gives them the assurance and joy that you are proud of whom you are married to, and proud of being married as well. It gives them the assurance that you are not trying to put them behind the camera, so as not to alert their potential side chics that they are married, as such, acting as a spoiler to their cheating agenda.

Forget about what anyone will tell you, women love it when you prove to the world that you are proud of having her in your life, and you may not know how much importance such gestures benefits your marriage. These are those little things you do that gives your marriage and love extra muscle for sustainability.

Both Buchi and Williams are often seen with their wives, almost at every occasions; be it at social events, dinner outing, Church programs, spending good times together, etc. Unlike many married young men, who would rather dump their partners at home, while they go out to hang out with friends, attends social events, etc.

Whether you are married or yet to marry, let it sink into you deeply, that no matter how much love or caring you show to your wife, it can hardly be compared to the fact that she’s fully aware of the fact that you are always proud of her. To her, you are truly happy and satisfied with the woman you married, it gives her some sort of unexplainable inner joy, happiness and peace of mind.

Forget about those telling you otherwise, most of them have either not experienced true love in holy matrimony, do not know how to a refined lover, do not care about the hidden feelings of their partners, etc. All they are interested and after are just things that makes them happy.

Share photos of your beautiful moments with her on your social media platform, such is totally different from bringing everything about your marriage to social media. Do things that brings extra spark to your marriage, everything should not just be about “I love you, I love you” and maybe just taking her out or buying her things. Share photos of your romantic moments, it gives your wife extra confidence of how much you are so proud of having her in your life, and you won’t understand how much extra life you are adding to your marriage.

But on the other, do not stop once you have started, because women are forward thinking and very calculative. Every step you take, a woman reads deeper meaning into it, as such, if you stop doing those beautiful and sweet things you used to do with her or for her, she will start seeing it that you have changed, and that you changed for a reason, mostly because of another woman. So, once you start, don’t stop, except you are engaged with job, career, travel, etc, which she will understand at such situations.

(photo credit: Facebook/Williams Uchemba/Buchi Solomon)

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