Wedding Called Off Few Days To The Date As Bride is Pregnant For Another Man.

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A soon to be husband and wife has called off their wedding ceremony in one of the most heartbreaking circumstances as bride defiles love and trust between she and her man.

According to the statement released by the camp of the groom, he has called off the aforementioned wedding ceremony slated for April 13, 2024, due to the infidelity of his bride, whose name is not mentioned in the statement released. From the said statement, the bride is carrying another man’s child while engaged to another, being the husband to be from April 13.

Further, it was revealed that medical test rest carried out at ECWA Clinic, shows she’s already pregnant, of which is not from the husband to be, being the ground why the wedding has been cancelled.

“The wedding has been cancelled due to a serious reason. It has been cancelled by the Church. Because of the second test results received from ECWA Clinic. Which after investigation the Amarya to be must go for six months church discipline,” part of the statement reads.

The statement equally revealed that the groom is free to make a choice of another wife if he cannot continue with his initial plan of marrying the first bride.

In a separate statement released by the groom, he apologized to his friends, those in his committee of friends, especially those who have made money donations towards the success of the wedding. He asked for prayers from them, while equally assuring them that they will be contacted for their money to be returned to them.

Read the full statements released below…

This is very sad and heartbreaking, and not what anyone can ever wish for his or herself. Wishing both the heart and courage to pull through this moment of worse humiliation in their lives.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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