We Will All End in The Grave- Nigerian Lady Threatens In Case Her Husband of 20-Years Marries Another Wife.

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The things surrounding love and marriage is one thing that no one has had it all rosy, and at different times we are confronted either with one beautiful story about love/marriage or the opposite. At the moment, Nigerians are still on the discussion of a certain Nigerian woman identified as Fatima Yusuf Nuhu, whose husband of twenty years has decided to marry another wife.

(The first wife and the wedding invitation card for the second wife)

The story further reveals that the new wife happens to be a former student of the first wife, and the first wife also revealed that she only got to know about the marriage just a week to the wedding ceremony. Well, the first wife seems to have embraced the decision of her hubby to take the new wife, as she made a post on her social media platform in that regard.

Meanwhile, a certain Nigerian lady identified as Precious Chineye has threatened hell should the husband of twenty years ever attempt marrying a new wife, mostly after she had suffered with the man and things becomes successful. She was reacting to the above story of a certain Nigerian man who is going to take a new wife after their twenty years of marriage.

“After 20yrs of marriage. I keep saying it let my husband marry 2000 of them now so that I can teach them how to measure crayfish and hawk, because if things get better and he decides to marry another we all we end in grave,” she threatened.

Following the above comment, she was advised to start investing on herself because such can happen in marriage any time, and if she has invested well on herself it won’t hurt her that much, and that it won’t equally be difficult for her to move on with her life.

God forbid, but let’s say her husband die in the marriage, maybe early, so she will die and follow him or what? Because that’s exactly what her comment implies. The truth remains that, you do not force a man or woman to live a certain pattern of life because of you.

Besides, so if your attitude and lifestyle is not compatible with your husband and you equally refusing to change for better, so you expect the man to continue living in pains and emotional trauma all his life on earth?

Regardless of the truth that no woman really want to share her man, especially husband, with any other woman, but such threats is not the solution. Start investing on yourself, build yourself and be firmly independent, that you can easily stand on your own without anyone acting as your lifetime pillar. So because of a man you are willing and ready to end your life? What a wonderful mindset and attitude towards life that she has indeed!

Stop using threats to hold people to ransom in the name of love or marriage, it doesn’t work that way. You do not force people to remain in any association or union against their wish and interest!

Photo credit: Facebook

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