Understanding The Work & Roles Of The Various Departments In Nollywood During Production.

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When it comes to filmmaking or producing a movie, there are lots of work involved, of which without the contributions of the various organs in the film industry it would practically be impossible to achieve a perfect film production.

In the beginning and ending of every movie, the list of these various departments are displayed on the screen, but unfortunately most of us do not know the basic roles of these departments.

DIRECTOR: He’s basically the head of every movie production, and he ensures that the movie comes out perfect from how it is written in the script.

On the other, he calls the shots during filming, makes all the necessary inputs to ensure the story comes out with quality pictures, acting, etc.

Meanwhile, the director has the right to hire or fire any actor casted for a movie he’s directing, based on certain professional reasons, including poor interpretation of roles, not fitting into the character in the script, etc.

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: This is the owner of the movie in question. In other words, this is the person sponsoring the movie, provides the funds for everything needed for the production.

He’s equally known as the producer of his movie. The executive producer is not under obligation to be on the movie set because he has hired those working for him in different positions and departments on the set. But on most occasions you see them on set to see how things are going, and equally ensuring that his job is going on smoothly.

ASSOCIATE PRODUCER: He works directly under the executive producer, because he is the person who the executive producer entrusted with the movie project.

He’s mostly the person who assemble all the various departments involved in the production, negotiates their payments. Whether as a crew or actor, you do not necessarily have any business with the executive producer but with the Associate Producer, coz he’s the person who hired you for the job.

PRODUCTION MANAGER: He works directly under the Associate Producer, and runs the day to day activities on the movie set.

He ensures that both the actors and crew are brought to set every time or day, ensures that every department is performing their duties adequately. In Nollywood, the production manager wields so much power, and plays vital role in recruiting both crew and actors for the job.

NOTE: In Nollywood, production managers graduates into Associate Producers along the line.

CONTINUITY DIRECTOR: Some times they are seen as assistant directors in Nollywood, but basically their duty is to ensure that the movie is following sequentially according to the script.

He ensures that every continuity and transition in the movie is maintained according to the movie script. Frankly their job is highly technical and tactical, because they are like the eagle eye on the set.

In Nollywood, continuity directors often graduates into full time directors. We have lots of movie directors in Nollywood who came through that process.

DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY (DOP): The are responsible for the video aspect of the filming. They equally ensure that lighting and camera angles are perfect as well.

During filming, the DOP is often in alliance and partnership with the Director.

CAMERA ASSISTANT: Works directly under the DOP, as he’s his right hand man as his deputy on the set. Even, most DOPs leaves the camera assistant to handle the filming at times, especially those who has been in the job for quite some time and has already gathered basic knowledge of the job.

Beyond that, Camera assistant oversees the safety, availability and setting up of the camera equipments.

In most occasions in Nollywood, camera assistant helps the owner of the camera to manage the camera equipments. He basically travels with the camera to wherever it is being used to film, and that position often earns him the automatic position to work with the DOP as his assistant.

NOTE: Most Nollywood DOPs graduated into professional cameramen/DOPs through being assistants.

STILL PHOTO: Job is to take shots of different scenes, acting and others during production. It is from these photos that the movie poster is designed, and other things as desired by the both the executive producer and marketer.

SOUNDMAN/SOUND ENGINEER: The job of the Soundman or sound engineer is to ensure the audio quality of the movie during production.

He checks for the audio of every actor for every scene. He’s responsible for fixing body mic or any other audio equipment were needed.

BOOM MAN: This is mostly done by the male, and their job is to hold the boom stick/mic during filming.

It is not just left for any how person, as it involves experience, technicality and good timing. This is to avoid often positioning the boom mic in positions that the camera will often capture it into shots.

SET DESIGNER $ PROPERTIES (PROPS): Though the two are separate entities, but are often combined in Nollywood due to the closeness of their functions.

Well, set designer is tasked with setting up every set for each scene during filming, like the shrine, hospital, police station, Igwe Palace, events, etc.

Properties (Props) is to ensure the availability of whatever is needed physically during filming. For instance, he provides those food you see actors eating in films, drinks, gun props, cars, bicycle, cutlass, etc. Anything that the actor will use or carry during filming, it is the job of the props to provide it.

MAKEUP ARTIST: The work of a makeup artist is often complex when it comes to filmmaking because it goes beyond facial makeup to special effects like accident wounds, gun shots, skin diseases or skin distortions, etc.

Some of the makeup jobs are given to separate persons when it comes to special effects and the regular movie makeup like facials, fixing of hairs, minor injuries/wounds, etc.

COSTUMIER: They are the wardrobe on movie sets, as they provide all the clothes that actors will wear during the shooting a movie. They provide other items like the royal beads, hand bags, shoes, rings, complete royal outfits, etc.

Meanwhile, they are equally obliged to dress up the actors and get them ready for whatever scene they are to shoot.

LOCATION MANAGER: He’s basically responsible for sourcing suitable locations, including houses, rivers, market, police station, forest, farmland, etc, for the shooting of the movie.

Meanwhile, the location must be in line with the storyline and subject to certification by the director of the movie, and sometimes by both the executive producer and Associate Producer.

LOCATION DRIVER: He has just one job, which is to provide convey everyone to the movie set or movie location.

Like in Nollywood, the location drivers are often the owner of the bus used in conveying both crew and actors to locations. Though, the bus is mostly used in conveying the crew workers to set/location, because the actors on most occasions drive their exotic cars to the place.

WELFARE MANAGER: This person is paid to provide food to both the actors and crew workers throughout the duration of the job.

Though, the number of time the welfare manager supplies food depends on the agreement with the person who hired him or her, mostly by the Associate Producer or Production Manager. Sometimes it is twice daily (Morning and Night), while some other times it is three times daily (Morning, Afternoon and Night).

PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS: These are one of the most tedious departments in Nollywood or in every Production.

They basically help in running the entire Production, and their job is not limited to any department. They are charged with the duty of ensuring that every department is performing optimally, and were any of these other departments are lagging behind, they come in to ensure things are working perfectly once more.

You may see them helping out the set designer, costume, props, boom man, etc. They are just playing free role in the industry, more like the dirty jobs.

(Photo Credit: Google)

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