Understanding The Consequences of Pushing These Young Kids Into Early Marriage!

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It’s so unfortunate that in this era, very little number of people have the brain to actually think beyond their noses, simply because the overwhelming spirit of clout chasing, going viral and trending on social media platforms has overwhelmingly possessed them beyond rescue. Yes, which is the only reason you see people applauding a marriage of this type on social media.

Looking at these two, what could actually be the reason why they are so much in a rush to taste marriage? Yes, because I still can’t figure out why their people connived in the conspiracy of pushing these kids into early Marriage, when they still have a lot of time in their lives to still walk that path.

First of all, what have they really achieved in their respective and collective lives? Such that marriage which should be among the last section in their list, suddenly become a top priority? It is just so unfortunate that most people do not really understand what marriage is all about, and how draining it could be to your life, especially if you approach it in a wrong manner, just like I see these kids doing.

For instance, this young girl may likely go into child bearing and raising as soon as possible, then what time will she have to pursue her dreams in life? And same goes with the young boy. Meanwhile, how financially prepared is he or both, to face this path? Is it because he may have few millions of hundreds of thousands in his possession, then he thinks he has what it takes to go through that journey?

How mentally prepared are they to face the inevitable and incessant challenges that comes with marriage? Or they think the love intoxicating them at the moment will always be there? Story! My dear, it is not even the love which drove couples into marriage initially that actually sustains the marriage all through the years.

At a point, you will begin to wonder if this was actually the person you fell in love with in the first place. Simply because some of those lovely, sensual, romantic, intimate and other beautifully things he or she used to lavish your life with is no longer available or seen. And it is at this point, that you will know who is mentally, psychologically and emotionally prepared for marriage. And being honest to yourself, do you expect such from these kids?

At this stage in their lives, what they should be concerned with is their education or career, as to have a beautiful and bright future. Even if they come from wealth family/families, it is still no justification for this kind of early marriage. They have obviously not done anything meaningful for their lives and future, and you can’t possibly convince me that marriage is the utmost Important thing in their lives at this their age.

Well, just like the social media children will always tell you, mind your business, which I will actually mind my business after dropping my few piece of words of advice. Wishing them all the best, but we must learn to do better!

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