Tiwa Savage & Her Designer Bag of 147-Million: The Truth, Deceit And The Culture of Prodigality!!!

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Tiwa Savage was back in the news once again, following the reactions and controversies that trails a post she made concerning a designer bag she is contemplating purchasing. It is not really about the bag, but the outrageous amount the bag is being sold, a whopping $147,000, which is slightly above 147 million Naira.

While I may have one or two words I would have loved to say to Tiwa Savage, but my major concern is the kind of comments I have been reading from people, most especially the youths. You will clearly see a generation with mindset of large group of people living for the social media and to equally impress the world. Not really bothered about the aftermath, nor what becomes of their life afterwards.

Majority of them just want to earn money and spend on things that will make them rank among the happening “bebes or guys”, and funny enough, it is this same group of people who are angry with their parents for not being rich enough like some of their age mates. You can only look at them and shake head in pity, wondering if it’s this lifestyle they intend building a wealthy future for their children as they aim to live above the financial status of their parents/family?

Going through the comments with regards to the subject matter, anyone who dares questions why Tiwa Savage will spend such a huge amount on a bag, the person is immediately subjected to all manner of insults and attack, while being reminded that he or she is only suffering from poverty, or that he/she should go and make money, etc. In fact a lot of people have practically stopped commenting on such posts, just to avoid being white washed with the most heartbreaking insults. In fact, the level of insults and abuses that will be thrown at you, no doubt, is enough to instantly push one into depression and suicidal mood.

Well, in as much as no one has right over how you should spend your hard earned money, it is equally important to understand that wasteful spendings will do you no good, no matter how you pretend about it. Most of you always wish your parents are rich as some of the wealthy persons of the world, and equally wish to be as rich as them, but contrary, you are only thrilled and inspired by the negative lifestyles of your favourite celebrities, rather than the lifestyle of the wealthy persons you wish to be as rich as them. Hence, once you lay hands on any money, you wanna spend were you are only interested in pleasing people, who won’t donate a penny when things go bad for you.

Then ask yourself, what is wise in that lifestyle you choose for yourself. That your favourite celebrities are living that lifestyle doesn’t in anyway make it right, and as such, shouldn’t be a yardstick for you to determine which is the best lifestyle, especially for you or anyone else.

Meanwhile, I refuse to capture those insult laden comments because it is of no use to me or this post either, so I just picked some of those who are actually aligning with the this content.

On the other hand, will it be a crime if some of these our celebrities establishes big businesses and expand their business world? Ain’t they seeing what most of their counterparts in different parts of the world are doing? Setting up big businesses and brands, and climbing higher and higher. Does such forbid these our celebrities or what exactly is the problem?

Those companies they crave to be their brand ambassadors, if their owners had been caught up in same lifestyle, how would they have been able to set up that type of business/company? Will it be a crime if you own businesses or companies that will sign A-list celebrities as Brand Ambassadors? Because I don’t understand why most of them prefer careless and wasteful spendings rather than to invest their earnings into something that will push them higher than their current status in life.

That’s why many of them end up broke afterwards, running to the social media to beg. Yes, not that anyone is beyond such, but majority of them could have outgrown such if only they had spent wisely, what they earned during their active and rainy days. But no, it is about the trend, effizzy lifestyle, showoff, etc, just to be seen as a happening guy or bebe. In the end you are left broke financially and equally emotionally heartbroken coz of the condition you found yourself at last.

I know many people will attack this post, in the same manner they do on social media platforms, but that won’t suppress the truth either. Once again, you are alone has the right on how you want to spend your hard earned money, but spend wisely, that’s all!

(Photo Credit: Google Photos)

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