These Are The Type of People Facebook Should Place Life Ban On Them From Using Their Platforms!

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Sometimes I wonder the sort of people we have in this part of the world, especially looking at the age of these type of people. I was surfing the net and came across this post below, which is talking about a certain man in Anambra state, allegedly getting married to his daughter. According to the stup!d poster, the said man is about 87 years old, and getting married to his daughter of about 22 years old.

Further, the post alleged that the old man who couldn’t bear the thought of loosing his daughter to another man decided to marry her, especially because of her big backside. Meanwhile, a lot of comments have since trailed the post, with many of them making all sorts of attacks on the people from that part of the country, precisely the South Eastern people.

Meanwhile, how on earth could this story be true, and I don’t even believe such can ever happen in this world. How can you just pick up a particular tribe and begin to write rubbish just to dent them and tarnish their image? Yes, because I have already seen some of the comments, mostly from people who are on the other divide of the country, lambasting the tribe involved, and labelling them all sorts of dehumanizing names.

Unfortunately, it has even resulted in the exchange of ethnic and religious induced banters between people commenting on the posts. Meanwhile, these are sone of the factors fuelling the wind of disunity affiliated with religion and tribe, ravaging the country from time immemorial.

Frankly, these are the type of people who deserve to be banned for life, from using Facebook and its other social media platforms. Yes, what does this person intend to achieve or get from making such libellous posts, especially against an entire region/tribe.

Meanwhile, the sanctions should be extended to owners of such Facebook groups were these senseless posts are made, because without their approval of such posts it won’t appear in their groups.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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