The Touching & Uncommon Story Of Spanish Ivan Fernandez & Kenyan Abel Mutai

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In a world filled with unending desires to out win, out shine and out smart others for the greater glory, we have continued to run into stories that reminds us about the importance of embracing humanity first and above every other thing else.

This brings us to the story of Abel Mutai who is a Kenyan long distance runner and his Spanish competitor, Ivan Fernandez, during the 2012 Burlada Cross Country race in Spain. 

Abel was just a few feet from winning the race, and well ahead of his closest rival, Spanish Ivan Fernandez, but the Kenyan had stopped close to the finish line, thinking he had already crossed the winning line.

Ivan Fernandez who was just seconds away from overtaking the confusion overwhelmed Abel, realized the struggles of his on field competitor and decided to put up a character that will live forever in the hearts of people across the world.

He started urging the Kenyan to go ahead and cross the finish, and even when he caught up with Abel, he didn’t go ahead to finish first amid the predicaments of his Kenyan competitor.

Rather, he pushed Abel to victory, to ensure he emerged the champion that he has already earned and well deserved. And that very rare gesture from Ivan baffled millions of people, both present at the moment and those who learnt about it later.

No doubt, many people would have obviously lashed out at Ivan, describing him with all sorts of insulting and dehumanizing words. But Ivan was intentional about his actions at that moment, as he chooses humanity over world glory.

Finishing the line first is not all that matters in this life, but how one conducted himself during the course of crossing the line. We have seen situations were people pull down others just to cross the finish line, just to climb higher. But Ivan Fernandez wasn’t going to board that train to his own destination.

It is unfortunate that selfish desires, cutthroat rivalries and cheat others to triumph has become the trademark of most human endeavours today, especially in this part of the world. What becomes of others is not the interest of most people today, it is all about how they cross the line first that matters most to them.

While you are out there chasing your dreams, careers, ambitions and pursuits, imbibe the spirit of humanity, humility, love and empathy. Do to others how you would want them to do to you!

(Photo Credit: Google Photos)



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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