The Only Sin By The Young Boy Kicked Out Of Stage By Rema & What You Must Learn From It!

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As a young man you can’t afford to fail in life, e get why…

Most of us must have seen the trending video were music star, Rema was captured kicking over excited fan who climbed the stage to meet his idol during Rema’s Benin City “Home Coming” concert in Edo state.

While the home coming stuff was greeted with so much anticipation, excitement, joy and fun, it was eventually messed up by the music Star at the end of everything. What happened? He deliberately embarrassed a fellow young man like him in the public by kicking him out of the stage.

The young man must have acted out of overwhelming excitement of meeting his idol live. But the only sin this young man may have committed is being poor and equally being a man, nothing else.

If it was to be one rich dude he wouldn’t have done that, if it was to be one sexy female fan he wouldn’t have reacted same way. But because it was a man who is equally poor, he chose to disgrace him public without any show of remorse or whatever.

We have seen a similar incident occur in the past, this time with a female fan. We all saw how he handled the situation, even when the bouncers and security men on stage tried to take her out of the stage, Rema stopped them, and rather held her with a soul lifting and soothing hugs.

Even if he doesn’t want to hug or meet that young man, he could have allowed the bouncers and security men to take him out, but because he’s a poor man, so he could chose to met out any kind of treatment to him. After all, Rema is rich, well connected, being guarded by lots of security details, as such “Nothing will happen”.

This equally goes to show the kind of treatments he subjects those around him to. By their fruits we shall know them.

Can he Rema dare try such outside Nigeria, especially beyond the shores of Africa? Even if he was drunk or high on something he wouldn’t dare it coz he knows the consequences na. But because we live in a Banana Republic were anything goes, especially once you have money and connections.

My brother put in more efforts and hardwork in your career, and equally pray for your creator to bless your hustles so that your fellow man, especially your age mate, won’t turn you into a punching bag simply because he’s rich and you are poor.

Sadly, these things are just one of the reasons we have seen lots of our young people venture into crimes just to meet up, so they won’t face such kind of humiliation like this young man.

Tomorrow, I know because of the backlashes he has received as a result, he would want to invite the boy, then gift him some peanuts and the matter is swept under the carpet forever. Be that as it may, at least we have seen what the singer is made up of.

But as young man, I want you to learn from this experience, I want you to be motivated by it so that you can pursue your careers and dreams with so much seriousness, determined, dedication and energy. Because of the kind of society we have here and individuals like Rema, have it at the back of your mind that you can’t afford to fail in life. Simple!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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