The Hypocrisy And Unprofessionalism Exhibited By Nollywood Actors About Kissing on Movie Sets!

3 minutes, 28 seconds Read

Over time, there have been a reoccurrence of this very issue, were a certain Nollywood, basically the so called A-list actors will obstinately refuse to kiss a younger actor (those not considered A-list actors) on set. Funny enough, many movie producers and directors have actually swallowed such shits on many occasions, just so that they do not fall out with the superior actor among the two contentions.

We all are aware of the recent interview by Nollywood actor, Zainab Bakare were Nollywood actor, Ninalowo Bolanle refused to act what the script had stipulated that they should kiss for that scene. According to her, she alleged that the only reason Ninalowo refused to kiss her for that scene was simply because he said she’s not an A-list actor. Funny enough, he only said it to the movie director who eventually endorsed it, you can see that level of hypocrisy and unprofessionalism, both on the part of the actor and the movie director.

You cannot kiss her on set coz she’s not an A-list, but away from movie stuffs these actors can comfortably do that with outsiders, even with hookups and oloshos. But because they want to form big actors and otherwise, then they begin to stipulate meaningless rules and demands for the director, who easily grants their wishes. Not as though they cited some tangible reasons like mouth odour, bad breathe, or on health grounds. No, they just want to intimidate the younger actor, and equally make him/her feel inferior to them.

Meanwhile, before going into the production of that movie, they must have read the script, did their negotiation and other things involved. They never mentioned that they won’t do the kissing even when on most occasions they know which and which actors they are playing certain roles with in the movie. Because they know that once they mention such before the start of shooting, there’s a possibility they may be decasted and the role given to some other actor who will work according to the dictates of both the movie script and the director. But once it gets to the point that they have either established in the movie or there’s no more time for such changes, then they begin to come up with crazy and ridiculous demands and attitude.

On the other hand, these Nollywood actors who claim to be above the law on Nollywood movie sets, when they are casted for movies abroad, especially aside Africa or movies being produced by international producers or big firms, they dare not put up such attitudes. But once they are home or dealing with some of these home based producers and movie directors who licks their ass then you see them messing up here and there.

Though most of the Nollywood directors and producers are highly culpable in this madness. Yes, they worship these actors like they are God, as such shouldn’t be offended, so they tend to play along with every demand of the actors on their set, even at the detriment of the movie/production. I have seen a lot of these on countless movie sets, were instead of the actors taking directives from the directors, it is the directors who then takes directives and order from the actors. All of which make you ask, is the job/duty of these directors on movie sets is just to call “ACTION” and “CUT”?

So, it’s time these unprofessionalism and hypocrisy be dealt with in the industry, and movie directors must sit up and take charge of the production, and stop acting like though they are married to these so called A-list actors who lacks manners that portrays professionalism. If as an actor you know you won’t play according to the dictate of both the movie script and director, then don’t accept the job in the first place, as simple as that!!!

Written by our guest writer Okwor Maxwell Onyeka- a Nollywood filmmaker, writer and author of Vengeance Of The Spirit, Forbidden Son, Conquering The Needless War Surrounding Feminism Ideology, How Love Conquered The World, others. He’s one of the best content creators around)

Photo credit: Facebook/Nollywoodcastle, Nollywood Corner)

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