Take Some Minutes To Fear Women- Heartbroken Man Laments Months After Losing Girlfriend of 9Years To Another Man!

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You still remember the young man known as Favour Ibex, whose love story with a certain female gospel singer identified as Amaka Gift, trended across social media platforms following their bitter breakup, after many years of being together as lovers. Well, unfortunately it seems that the estranged fiance of Amaka Gift has not been able to overcome the trauma that he suffered as a result of their breakup.

Few hours ago, he took to his personal Facebook page to share cryptic message, which suggests that he has been into deep pains as a result of the heartbreak he suffered many months ago following their breakup.

According to the post, he urged people, presumedly his fellow men, to always be careful of their dealings with the opposite gender who do not have conscience, stating that such women can go any length just to get at you, and that even if it warrants going to bed with the devil. In one of other adjoining post, he also stated that once trust is broken, then sorry means nothing.

“Take some minutes and fear women without conscience. They can go to any length just to get at you. Even if it takes them sleeping with the devil,” he wrote. He also wrote, “they’ll do you dirty, play the victim, then convince people it’s you”.

Continuing, he wrote as well, “avoid people who are close with people who dislike you”.

Read the complete post below…

He went further to allege that his life has been under threat, as everything around him has been compromised. Meanwhile, some people who have been reacted to the story from day one have urged him to try and move on with his life, as what has happened has happened.

On the other hand, some others berated those asking him to move on, making it clear that what they are asking this young man to do is not that easy, especially when he looks at all the years he has wasted while loving her, the huge resources and how all he has been building for many years with her has been shattered just like that.

In the aftermath of their breakup, Favour lamented how the man, identified as a Michael Maxy, who he connected with his then fiancee, Amaka Gift, for a project, ended up taking her away from him. Revealing that he has been dating Amaka for about nine years, without even having a canal knowledge of her, simply because they were keeping to their christian faith, only waiting for them to be legally married before such can take place between them.

He also lamented how he had invested so much resources on Amaka Gift, particularly in her education, musical career and general welfare. Unfortunately, the pains of all of these has obviously refused to depart from his broken heart, and this is what mostly plunge people into depression, and it is highly suicidal. But the truth remains that he has to move on, even if it requires engaging a therapist, because if he continue this way, it may eventually lead to a bizarre situation.

(Photo credit: Facebook)

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