Single Mother Who Got Pregnant During Her 200-Level Celebrates As She Graduates With A First Class Degree.

1 minute, 44 seconds Read

Frankly there are some story I just can’t resist the temptation of not walking past it, because of the of power of hypnotizing accompanying such kind of story or stories, and this is definitely one of such stories. This young girl featured in this story recently graduated from the higher institution with a first class degree against all odds.

But is that what actually caught my attention about the story? Definitely not, what caught my interest about the story is the fact that this young girl actually achieved what most people wouldn’t have achieved under the condition in which she did it. Yes, did you know that she got pregnant while she was in year two, out of wedlock pregnancy, not like she was married. But she refused to be distracted or deterred by the pregnancy unlike most women of her age.

In her post, she made it clear that she never received financial support from her family, yet she was able to conquer against all odds, and today, the story of her pregnancy is no longer relevant as she achieved what really overshadowed that ugly Story.

Indeed, her story is a huge inspiration to other people out there, especially her fellow women, whose life’s dreams and aspirations have been shattered beyond redemption as a result of same or similar story. Meanwhile, have it in mind that she did not just became a graduate, but bagged a first class degree in her area of discipline.

But it is worthy of mention the fact that this feat she achieved is not meant for the weak mind, but for those with the heart stronger than that of a lion. Many women would have easily dropped out of school, either as a result of the shame or financial difficulties, but she refused to be intimidated or discouraged by all that factor.

This is a typical example of knowing where you are going to, regardless of all the obstacles and potholes on the road, you are really determined to reach your destination.

Once again, big congratulations dear!

Photo Credit: Facebook/Justpopcorn

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