Sad Reality: How Fake Life Is About To Destroy a Once Beautiful and Enviable Marriage!!!

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What fake life will still cause in the lives and world of the present generation, both in their present lives and afterwards, it is better imagined than experienced! Well, let’s hit you straightaway with the gist we have for you guys this time around and it will definitely leave you doing endless “Tufiakwa”.

Currently, there’s a serious gbas gbos in the marriage of my friend, Jude (real name withheld) as everything has obviously crashed, almost beyond repairs. Well, Jude was a perfect example of what a fake life practically represents.

Jude got married in March 2022, to this beautiful lady, Mary (real name withheld), who used to live in Port Harcourt, PH, while Jude was residing in Enugu. Broke Jude was ironically seen as one of the most well to do and happening guys in town. Yes, is it flashy cars, expensive clothes, bling-blings (jewelries), the house he was residing was a magnificent mansion located in the heart of the State, where you find many rich people in the state as well.

Meanwhile, Jude had met Mary via Facebook, and from one thing leading to another, the duo soon became lovebirds. Soon after, they took their relationship to the next level by being engaged, and soon followed the necessary marriage rites, hence becoming legitimate husband and wife. Did I forget to equally inform you that Mary while in Port Harcourt had a job that pays her well, but immediately after her lavish and “talk of the town” wedding, she resigned her job in PH and moved to Enugu, as to be with her husband, especially as newly married couples.

The truth is that, Mary was obsessed and blinded by the flashy and luxurious lifestyle of John, as such, nothing would have possibly made her change her mind against marrying John. She saw in him, everything she could have ever dreamt of having in a man/husband, is it the money, cars, house, etc? All were they in abundance.

Just immediately after the birth of their first child, a baby girl, in April 2023, that was when things began developing K-leg, but she wasn’t too sure of what the problem may be, but it was obvious things weren’t as it used to be. For instance, unlike before, if she asks her hubby for money he comes up with excuses or at times he is harsh on her at such times. They used to go out often, partying and hanging out as well, enjoying life to the fullest, but not anymore. Even to refill their cars fuel tanks equally became mission impossible, as he will still complain of not having money for that.

On the other hand, both John and Mary’s friends, family members, others, already saw him as a wealthy man. But one faithful morning, all that suddenly turned into a nightmare to her, such that she must have desired divorce in the face of it all.

“Honey, sorry to tell you this now…” he stuttered while in the bed with his wife and their new baby.

“What’s it Nkem,” as she fondly calls him “Nkem” meaning “mine or my own”.

After a brief hesitation, he summoned courage and broke the worse news she could have ever heard all her life; informing her that their stay in their mansion has come to a must end, and that they have less than a week to vacate the mansion. At first, it sounded like “April fool” to her, unfortunately it turned out to be her most recent fate. And he further took time to narrate everything to her.

Do you know what? The owner of the house, cars, monies, etc, that they have been enjoying is coming back to Nigeria from Florida, United States of America, USA, to settle down with his family and equally continue running his businesses from there as well.

In other words, his friend is retiring back to his fatherland, after spending many years in USA, hustling. He has four kids, his wife, and his aged mother and his wife’s sick mother will be joining them upon his imminent return to Nigeria, Enugu precisely.

Mary obviously desired death at that moment, in fact something worse than death. She felt her heart breaking apart, her head was almost exploding. It actually became a reality to her though, when few days later, they packed out, to a dilapidated building around Agbani road, it was indeed the worst moment of her entire life. She has cried out her life, finished him with insults, etc, but all that will not change the situation or anything else.

Did I forget to tell you also that even the hotel he claimed to be his around New Market, along Enugu/9th mile Express Way, which is still under construction, all belonged to that his friend in the United States of America. What a fake life! Whether this will cause the crash of this once beautiful marriage and love story is yet to be seen, but for now, the couples are still together in their newly rented apartment. But be that as it may, the truth remains that things will never be the same again in this marriage.

Are you aware equally that this man do not have a job? All the money he has been spending are money he collects, extorts from that his friend, and the money he steals from the project money sent to him. He lied to his wife that he’s into real estate and land agency, using one office he rented at New Heaven, Enugu State, to camouflage as his work place. Though the place was well furnished, and will be extremely difficult for anyone to think otherwise of him.

This generation and fake life seemingly has blood relationship, frankly. Yes, most people in this present generation do not really care about the consequences of most of their actions, as long as they were able to achieve their immediate goal(s) then other things are so inconsequential to them, whether such will affect or claim their lives, they do not care.

On the other hand, many people in this present generation have actually thrown into the gutter, some of the ethics of marriage practiced by our forefathers in this part of the world, which if there were followed initially, I’m certain that she wouldn’t have met such a terrible experience. One of them is the practice of families of both the man and woman intending to marry each other, going behind to enquire and investigate about the people, family and person their son/daughter is marrying into.

It’s really unfortunate that most young people of today do not have regards for such, once they feel they like each other enough, then marriage happens. Without knowing the true background of who they want to marrying, and that’s one major factor leading to expanding rates of failed marriages in the present generation, because we fail to do the needful as done by our forefathers and parents.

Well, a word is enough for the wise!!!

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