SAD: How Bleeding Mother Died While Trying To Save Her Child During Sydney Stabbing!

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The beautiful city of Sydney in Australia was thrown into chaos earlier today, this follows the horrific incident that took place at a Mall, were a daredevil attacker who came with a knife invaded the mall and reportedly stabbed to death about six (6) people and left many with different degrees of wounds/injuries.

Good a thing the attacker was taken out by a heroic female police officer. During the horrific incident which happened yesterday, Saturday April 14, 2024, a mother and her baby became one of the casualties.

She was reportedly shopping for her baby when the attacker bursted into the mall, stabbed her as well as her baby. But Mother and child were bleeding profusely, but she rather ignored her own condition and fought do hard to save her baby. This could only be seen with a mother passionate about her child/, children.

Sadly, she died shortly after while her baby was taken to the hospital for immediate medical attention. What more could be more heartbreaking than a situation like this?

Meanwhile, while we celebrate this woman, this equally reveals the hearts of most mothers, towards their children, loved ones and family. They make all sorts of sacrifices, even at the detriment of both their lives and comfort, just to see their family happy and better.

I know of a certain woman in Enugu, when her first son got admission to study pharmacy at the Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT, there was no money to process the admission and pay for the school fee. The husband had retired as a civil servant and owed his gratuity and many months of pension.

This one who sells foodstuff at New Market had to sell some of her expensive wrappers, especially her Hollandaise wrappers, and that was how the family raised the money needed for their son’s education. Without mincing words, these are things that make many mothers special and giving them that special spot in the hearts of their children.

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