Robbing Peter To Pay Paul, And The Unsavoury Story of Jude Okoye in Psquare’s Music Affairs!

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It is with heavy heart I wrote this piece, after going through the recent public statement released by Peter Okoye (Mr. P) of Psquare over the cause of the recent issues he’s having with his twin brother, Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) and their elder brother, Jude Okoye (Engees Okoye).

How their supposed elder brother Jude Okoye and his wife secretly opened a music company known as Northside Music, diverting Psquare’s Music royalties from their original company known as Northside Entertainment into the one secretly opened by Jude and his wife, of which both are the directors of the company.

According to Peter, the same money diverted from Northside Entertainment to Northside Music which runs into millions of dollars is shared behind Peter Okoye, a member of the Psquare music group, but Paul Okoye is among those allegedly receiving this funds from Northside Music.

What do you call this level of betrayal from those you can even trust with your life for that matter? Regardless of the fact that the matter is still being investigated by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, this story doesn’t just sit well with me. This is the worse family betrayal I have ever come across all my life.

In spite all these evil perpetrated against their blood brother, they still have the conscience to often portray Peter as the bad one in the family/group, who is causing the breakup and fights in the Psquare music group. Robbing Peter to pay Paul?

It is really bad that Jude Okoye who is supposed to be the unifying factor in the family, especially since the demise of their mother who used to play that role, but no, he’s busy planting the seed of unending discord amongst the twin brothers, just to enable him have uninterrupted access to the Psquare money.

Greed is one dirty virtue anyone can ever have in this life, because it will forever make you a dangerous soul. Yes, you are always on the look out of who to swallow, who to cheat and inherit their own cake. If not, why can’t an elder brother unite the entire family, while they all happily enjoy the wealth they make together, share it accordingly, as initially agreed.

Where’s people’s conscience when it comes to money issues? Your own blood brother, you cheated him for years, you are happily eating his own share of cake, which he was part of the hustle? God forbid evil.

From day one, I had always known that Jude is really up to something else, yes, coz if he really wish to see his brothers living in peace, he has the power to do it. But no, because he has some hidden motives, and seeing a collaborator in the person of Rudeboy, that makes his work easier.

I’m equally disappointed in Rudeboy as well, for allowing himself to be used against his own twin brother, who is more like your own blood. Were this hatred for each other is what I don’t really understand. You guys are making enough money, so why this level of evil game going on over there?

Read up the full statement from Peter Okoye below…



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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