Rita Daniels: How The Mother of Nollywood Actress Regina Daniels’ Shaped Her Life Into The Envy of All.

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When you look at the life of Nollywood actress, Regina Daniels today, you will definitely be forced to tag it a perfect one indeed, and you are definitely not wrong to come to such conclusion. The Nollywood star has fulfilled almost everything she had craved for while growing up; being a successful actress, being an A-list celebrity, rich, happily married, and not just married but into one of the most beautiful marriages anyone would wish for.

But in all of these, you can’t take away the efforts and contributions of her darling mother, Rita Daniels, in shaping Regina’s life into what it has become today. First of all, she was the person who brought Regina into Nollywood, she was a kid back then, still in primary school, her mother would always bring her to movie sets to act. In fact, the mother was actually acting both like her mum and Personal Assistant, PA, at the same time.

She would take Regina to school, bring her to movie sets in Asaba, and equally stayed behind to watch her shooting her scenes, and hardly leaves until Regina is done for that day, regardless of whatever time she’s through with her part in the movie. Though at a point, she got Regina a personal assistant who works with her closely, at least to enable her, Rita, attend to some other tasks without being tied down always while nurturing her daughter’s career. But it never took away her role and closeness to her daughter’s career!

Meanwhile, that was when she Regina has not started earning reasonable money as an actress, her mom was really interested in building her daughter’s career at that time, and wasn’t really after the money. You can imagine how much she spends in the course of making her daughter a super star, without even knowing what the future holds for all that efforts, but she kept going stronger.

Rita Daniels wasn’t only staying around just to be with her tender daughter, but to equally watch how she’s performing, correcting her were necessary and encouraging her as well. And without mincing words, it eventually paid off as Regina emerged one of the best talents at her age in the industry. Truth be told, she’s not just a movie star by luck or accident, but she’s such a raw talent and always gives exceptional performance in any movie role given to her.

On the other, if you are not close to Nollywood you won’t understand the level of politics and backbiting that goes on in that industry, such that being constantly casted in movies is such a big achievement. In the industry it is often referred to as working back to back, and you must know your worth and level in Nollywood to enjoy such a golden privilege of working back to back.

In other words, Rita Daniels gave it all in her, to ensure that her daughter who’s still upcoming in the industry get enough feature in movies, which is very crucial in pushing her acting career to such a lofty and enviable height.

In fact, she ensured that Regina worked with the best hands in the industry such as the god-father of the Asaba Nollywood, in the person of Solomon Apete (mostly known in the industry as Solo Amaco). He’s the biggest producer in Nollywood back then, and through him, a lot of movie stars have been birthed in that industry, of which Rita Daniels is one of them.

And it was at the end of all these that Regina Daniels was able to attract the attention and love of her billionaire hubby, Senator Ned Nwoko. And like you and I know, today everything is history, hence why you now see her life as perfect, highly favored and blessed. All thanks to her ever dogged and hardworking mother, Rita Daniels! Rita was just so intentional about what she wanted for her beautiful daughter, Regina, and made a road map and followed it to a finish, and luckily for her, her daughter equally queued into the road mad.

(Photo credit: Instagram/Rita Daniels)

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