Revealing That Depth of Beef In The Psquare Group & Why Solo Career Is The Way Forward!

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Without mincing words, people are already tired of these endless drama in the midst of Psquare brothers, and by extension their elder brother, Jude Okoye (Jude Engees).

It’s almost an everyday drama between them, and it always end up in a situation that Peter Okoye (Mr. P) is left to stand alone, with Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) and Jude are on the other divide.

Well, there’s every need for the Psquare musical group to finally take a bow from the music industry, and pursue individual careers and otherwise. The essence of the group has actually outlived its value, purpose and otherwise.

There’s no more compatibility, love, trust and cohesion between the members of the group, hence the need to disband at this juncture. At least, we all heard of the reason for their recent fallout, allegedly for the fact that there was a discovery about how one part of the group have been reaping the other.

Besides, you can see an obvious attempt to always downgrade the other, I mean Peter, in the group. He’s seen as one who doesn’t comtribute significantly to the success of the group. It doesn’t start today, it has often been portrayed in the body language of both Paul and Jude Okoye.

Even though they won’t say it public, it has always been harboured in their minds, hence the reason Rudeboy was able to reveal in his recent interview about few days ago, that he writes 99% of the songs of the group. That alone should tell you the level of fake love, and forged compatibility that has carried the group till whenever they break up at each of these times.

Sadly, Jude being their elder brother is not helping matters at all, as he’s always taking sides, instead of being neutral as a leader and the most senior. Hence, why Peter is often subjected to a treatment portraying him as an inferior part of the history of their success in the music industry.

If he had often maintained a posture anchored on neutrality and brotherly mindset, I do not think we would have continued to witness all these issues in their camp. But no, he’s entirely on a different pursuit, and hence why peace has continued to elude the fraternity of the twin brothers.

On the other hand, if doing it solo will guarantee peace and unity in the family, then they should adopt that. Besides they are no longer chasing too much in the industry, they have actually made their mark in the industry and left indelible legacies. So, there’s nothing to fear about going solo, and it must be to sing, they can actually diversify and pursue other careers in the industry, or elsewhere.

In whatever you are doing, once basic ingredients like love, trust and interest has gone into extinction, then it is best to quit. Which is exactly what’s happening between the Psquare brothers, it will only take the intervention of God to restore these things.

Even while they have forcefully tried to come back and together again, we have seen that it is not actually working. This is simply because the foundation upon which these things were initially built on has been damaged, possibly beyond repair or remedy. Any other thing you are seeing afterwards is more like forcing a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

They just come back, but the initial mindset that has kept spoiling things for them hasn’t changed for even up to 1%, and once the union is forcefully contracted, it will still end up at the same junction. Because the fundamental issues have not been addressed, and it is almost impossible to address these issues as well.

So it’s better to go solo than these back and forth drama that has obviously set back their career many miles behind!

But regardless whatever be the outcome in the end, they shouldn’t perpetuate their current misunderstanding, beef and brouhaha. Peace and Unity supercedes everything else, as such, they must understand that their blood connection can never be wiped away by whatever means.

Business can be done separately but that family ties should remain unbroken. Yes, and though things might be rough at the moment, but they should endeavour to straighten the rumpled areas. This shouldn’t be passed down to their children, no matter the depth of grief in their hearts.

A word is enough for the wise!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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