REVEALED: The Untouchable Group In Nollywood That Messed Up The Industry!

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The unfortunate death of Junior Pope has since started exposing some of the ills and evil done in that industry over the years. And it has been able to persist all these years as a result of the powerful forces perpetrating all these evil in the industry, and no one really has the guts to speak up or against it openly, for dear of the consequences.

Well, of all the things I have heard people talk about as a result, they have actually not touched the main aspect of the problem, which is those controlling the industry behind the scene, who wields excessive physical, spiritual and demonic powers. They are feared, not challenged and are demigod in the Nigeria movie industry, mostly the so called Asaba branch of Nollywood.

Without much rigmarole, these people are the so called MARKETERS in Nollywood. These are the people who have practically messed up the industry simply because of their selfish interest and inhumane spirit possessing most of them. They produce about 90% of all the movies from the Asaba Nollywood, as such, they control the industry.

They are under a union, so once they take a decision about certain things in the industry, so shall it be. You as an actor may have issues with one of them, and once you are reported to their union, and a decision is taken on the matter, then you will suffer it in the hands of other marketers.

For instance, if they decide that you have done more than enough and decide to sanction the actor, do not be surprised to see your artist fee reduce, let’s say from one Million Naira to (1,000,000) to five hundred thousand Naira (500,000). That’s how powerful they are in that industry.

Let me tell you this for free, you see the ban and suspension slammed on the Producer of the movie Junior Pope was shooting, Adanma Luke, if the job was being done by a marketer, that ban and suspension wouldn’t have come up at all. It is because she’s an independent producer. Don’t argue this, I know what I’m talking about, and you can equally make your findings.

Remember when some A-list Nollywood actors were suspended years ago, persons like Nkem Owoh (Osuofia), Genevieve Nnaji, Omotola Jelade Ekeinde, Ramsey Noah, Emeka Ike, late John Okafor (Mr. Ibu), Patience Ozokwor, and many others? It was actually these marketers who imposed that ban on them, to tell you how powerful they are. The ban was simply because these actors demanded for an increment in their fees, nothing else.

They decide what you are paid, that’s why till date, most crew workers in that industry can barely feed well because of the peanut they are paid, institutionalized by these marketers, and others outside their group followed in their foot steps.

Even some popular actors in the industry, if you hear what they are being paid, you will shed tears, as institutionalized by these marketers. And if you shake head too much, they will blacklist you, and you won’t be called for jobs any longer. Hence, why these actors keep taking shits in that industry, cos they are practically helpless.

Meanwhile, you heard Nollywood actor, Frank Tana this evening, revealed that Junior Pope was blacklisted by producers in the industry, it was actually these marketers. They use their power, based on the number of movies they produce in the industry, to continually punish and manipulate people they have issues with.

That you are doing well in that industry is based on the number of jobs these marketers give you. So you are basically nothing without them giving you jobs, because how many films will these independent producers make in a month or in a year? So you have to depend on these marketers to feature in enough movies, hence no one wants to get into their black books, for fear of being excommunicated.

Most of the ills in that industry that has refused to be eradicated were actually planted by these marketers, and has become a normal practice in the industry. This is because while they started it, no one had the guts to challenge them, so over time, it became a normal practice in the industry.

It is even since the advent of the social media, were filmmakers can actually make movies and distribute without going through marketers, that the industry started witnessing certain positive changes. Else, if it was when there is no such platforms for film distribution, these marketers held the industry hostage with their maltreatment of people and other ills.

But it is so unfortunate that these new set of independent producers, have learnt a lot from these marketers, basically all their ill practices that often shortchange the interest of others, especially those working for them.

The evil in the industry is enormous, institutionalized by these marketers. They remain the yolk that need to be broken in the life of Nollywood, for positive changes to happen. Do you know that, even with you meeting all requirements to join them as a marketer, you will see hell before they will accept your membership?

I have not even talked about the sex for role, and how they assault many female actors in the industry. Of which if you refuse you will get instant punishment for your holiness. Even Queen Nwokoye recently revealed how she was de-casted in a movie she has already shot a couple of scenes, simply because she turned down the sexual advances of the producer.

If such fate could befall a big name like Queen Nwokoye, then imagine what upcoming female actors go through in their hands. You see that Asaba Nollywood, what is going on there is too deep, and extremely dangerous as well.

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