Reactions As ‘Happie Boys’ Were Reportedly Arrested & Kept in an Underground Prison in Cyprus.

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The popular internet sensation and former security guards at a popular restaurant were said to have been arraigned before a court of law in Orison, in Cyprus were they have been residing for about a year now. Unfortunately, the offense they have committed prior to their arraignment is not made known to the public at the time of going to the press.

The news of their arrest and subsequent arraignment broke out today, Tuesday, October 10, 2023, and the other sad news reaching our desk indicates that they were remanded at an underground prison facility in the country after they appeared in court.

Recall that the boys have been associated with a couple of unsavoury controversies in the past months, starting from their former employer, who was accused of unjustly sacking them on the grounds that they were often caught dancing on duty, of which their employer had previously warned them to desist from such act. After their sack, the General Overseer of the Omega Power Ministries, OPM, Apostle Chinenye Gift Chibuzor, immediately waded into their matter, and reportedly sent them abroad to continue their education on a scholarship.

Few months later, they equally fell out with Apostle Chibuzor, accusing him of bringing them to Cyprus and abandoning them. It began a heated issue at that time that they equally made more image denting allegations against Apostle Chibuzor, of which people scolded them for biting the hand that fed them at their trying period.

Following this recent development involving the boys, many people have continued to react to the matter, with many blaming them for their attitude in the past.

“Expect anything when you try to defame and abuse a man that all he did was to help you through life. In this life you get what you give, no matter how long it takes. A very sad situation for happy boys,” @life_of_young_officers reacted to the matter.

“…this is what you get when you reward bad behavior,” @ladyque_1 wrote.

“stop rewarding bad behavior. Some people are always humble until money comes. Be careful who you help, no be every bird deserve nest,” @veevogee warned.

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