Portable Comes For Dammy Krane For Trolling Davido With Their Collabo Song.

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Controversial singer, Portable is one celebrity who doesn’t joke with his destiny helpers, as such, he isn’t finding it funny at all, how Dammy Krane went about his latest onslaught against Davido.

Recall that Portable and Dammy Krane recently had a music collaboration, and now, Dammy who has a long standing beef with Davido, has gone ahead to include the said song in his post that was directly trolling Davido.

In the said post, Dammy was reacting to the recent rumours that Davido was recently arrested in Kenya, and Davido has since come out to shot down the image damaging rumours. Unfortunately, Dammy Krane is not yet satisfied with the response from Davido on the matter.

With the Collabo with Portable playing in the background, Dammy Krane wrote to Davido, “For OBO, that said they’ve never arrested him anywhere in the world, you would see it in front. Using your money to cover up all your evil deeds.”

He then added, “He told Tagbo to take 40 shots of Tequila on his 40th birthday and then abandoned him in the car until he died.”

In what seems like an act aimed at distancing himself from the act put forward by Dammy Krane against Davido, the Zazu singer warned Dammy to stop using their song together to pursue such agenda, as the song was not done to insult his destiny helper, Davido.

“Davido is my helper. Why are you playing the song we did together to insult Davido?

Did we sing the song to insult Davido? Davido is my helper and he will still help me,” Portable warns Dammy Krane.

On the other hand, Dammy Krane had sometime in the past, accused Davido of refusing to pay him for the services he rendered to his music career, precisely for their collaboration on the song “Pere”. The matter which has dragged on for a very long time is yet to be over as Davido has not responded to the allegations nor made moves towards settling with Dammy.

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