Popular Nigerian Comedian Adopts a Street Boy, Enrolls Him Into One Of The Best Schools in Anambra State.

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Born on June 6, 1996, in Nkpor Agu, Anambra, Usulor Zeus Anayo, popularly known as Lord Zeus, has in recent years emerged as one of the most philanthropic young man from this part of the world. Without mincing words, his widely acclaimed selflessness is second to none.

Well, the young comedian and entertainer is in the news once again, as he has demonstrated again, his trademark philanthropy as he took it upon himself to fund the secondary education of a certain Onitsha based street teen simply identified as Smallie_Wiper. He had met the young boy in a traffic at Onitsha, as the boy engages in his daily hustle of washing moving vehicles in the traffic.

Lord Zeus during his interaction with the boy back then, asked him what he (Zeus) should do for him, further asking the boy if he should be given money or be sent to school. Without hesitation, the little boy asked to be sent to school, that touched the comedian deeply and instantly, he fell in love with the boy and subsequently established a strong tie with the boy’s family, and going ahead to adopt him; he started living with Zeus.

Few days ago, it was revealed that everything about the enrollment of the boy known as “Smallie Wiper” into a school has been concluded and as such, was registered into one of the best schools in Onitsha, Anambra State. Since the news broke out on social media, a lot of people have continued to lavish praises and prayers on Lord Zeus for the kind of heart he has for his fellow human, especially the less privileged.

Many people on the other hand has urged others whom God has blessed to equally emulate the lifestyle of Lord Zeus by lending helping hands to the needy and less privileged.

Meanwhile, the comedian has also transformed the physical look of the small within a short period of time, including shopping for assorted clothes and shoes for him. Frankly, many of those who had known him previously will definitely find it hard easily recognizing the boy, based on his present look and appearance.

Watch More photos below as Smallie Wiper resumes school

Photo credit: Facebook/Smallie Wiper

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