People Demand For The Arrest of VeryDarkBlack Man Over Fraud of 55Million Involving Mr. Ibu Son and Daughter.

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The drama surrounding the recent medical condition of veteran Nollywood comic actor, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr. Ibu seems to be far from over, this comes as the actor’s son, Onyeabuchi Okafor and his alleged adopted daughter, Jasmine Okafor have been arrested for stealing about 55 million Naira from the funds meant for the ailing actor’s treatment.

The duo have been reportedly charged to a magistrate court in Yaba, Lagos State, following a petition to the police from the lawyer of the actor’s wife, Stella Maris Okafor. This came after she was locked out of the bank account housing all the donations made to the actor by Jasmine Okafor, as she alleged then.

Meanwhile, many people who have been reacting to the latest development have called for the arrest of popular social media activist, Very Dark Black Man, VDM, for his role in the early days of the matter. Recall that the said VDM had made series of video via his personal social media platforms, accusing Mrs. Stella Maris Okafor of only being interested in the money donated for her husband’s health, rather than looking after her ailing husband.

Further, he made a lot more damning allegations and accusations against the said woman (Ibu’s wife), which eventually turned the public against her, on the ground that VDM who visited the ailing actor at the hospital and was equally at the forefront of those soliciting for funds for his treatment, would be in a better position to know the truth in the matter, based on his closeness to the family.

Well, as it turned out to be the opposite of all he had said about the family and the crisis rocking them then, the people have called his arrest as well, on the ground that he deceived the public which gave the culprits the ground to perfect their plans and equally carry out their fraudulent activities on the money donated for the actor’s treatment.

Read some of the comments and reactions from people regards the arrest of VDM….

Jasmine Okafor and Onyeabuchi Okafor were alleged to have perfected plans to run out of the country, to UK, where they intend to settle down with the money they stole from Mr. Ibu’s bank account, as revealed by the police. They had equally applied for a UK visa after performing a sham marriage at the Ikoyi Marriage Registry, Lagos State.

See some of the press statement from the police below…

Meanwhile, some others have frowned at the fact that both Mr. Ibu and his son have been having secret affairs with this same Jasmine Okafor, allegedly, who has been posing as the actor’s daughter. There was a time that the actor’s wife, Stella Maris Okafor cried out to the public, accusing Jasmine of having affairs with her husband.

(Photo credit: Instagram)

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