Our Forever Starts Now- Excited Young Man Shares His Love Story With His Wife to Be.

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Love is certainly one of the most beautiful gift to mankind, and just like the popular Nigerian musician, Sunny Nneji once sang “he who finds a wife has found a good thing”.

Identified as Obiorah K. Chinwuba, he took to his social media page on Facebook to share his beautiful love story with his fiancee, this follows their recent engagement.

“I asked, and she said yes! Our forever starts now. God gave me my person. With her, it was an easy decision – she brought peace, bliss, and certainty into my life. It was as if the universe conspired to bless us with each other,” his post reads.

He revealed the way they had met each other, through a reply he left on her Facebook post, and one thing led to another, and today they are on the journey of spending their lives together and forever.

“It was all from a casual reply to her Facebook status to the discovery of our various connections- our 5th and 6th April birthdate, same city of birth, and unexpected family ties,” he revealed.

In addition, he promised to share more on their thrilling and fascinating love tales, “one day, I’ll share our short but thrilling story of how divine orchestration led us to each other and guided us so far. Cheers to a lifetime of love and happiness together”.

Big congrats to the lovebirds!

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