Old Boys Of C.I.C Enugu Raises A Billion Naira For The School During Their London Convention (Video/Photos).

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The benevolent and philanthropic Spirit of most Nigerians is such that is hardly seen in any other part of the world. And it is even more interesting once they find a worthy project, they are willing to empty their coffer for the sake of such things.

Well, the old boys of the famous College of Immaculate Conception (CIC) Enugu state, once again demonstrated why they are highly revered even after graduating from the prestigious institution. They have in their trademark gestures, make donations close to a Billion Naira for the sole benefit of the school.

It was during the Business Session at their Annual International Convention, of which this year’s edition was held in London, United Kingdom (UK). The event which was held over the weekend had many of the old boys of the school in attendance, dignitaries from all walks of life.

The rained cash during the gathering, in the region of a billion Naira, including cash donations and pledges aimed at the continued development and betterment of their former school. You heard me right!

According to Chief Uche Nworah, Ph.D, this gesture is what has defined the old boys of the school over the years. During this annual conventions of theirs, they gather, raising huge amount of money that will be used solely for the development and betterment of the school; benefiting both the students, teachers, and non teaching staff of the school.

You should try and visit this school in question, located at Uwani in Enugu state, so you will be amazed at the state of the art nature of the learning institution. A typical of what you see in European, both in standard, beauty and more.

For instance, you talk about the State of the Art multi-purpose School building, multi-storey hostel complex, to the multi-purpose sports center (MSC), plus other infrastructural interventions at C.I.C Enugu.

Only made possible not by the school itself or State government, but only through the large hearts of their old boys. They give without looking back, ensuring the school never lacked anything in its existence.

To tell you about the quality of facilities in the school, recently, Nigeria Premier League club, Enyimba International Football Club reportedly paid huge amount of money to the school, just to enable them to train at their world class football pitch, built by the old boys as part of the multi-purpose sports center.

Also, Shooting Stars of Ibadan have also equally trained at the pitch, to tell you the quality of facilities in the school. There’s even the “The multi-purpose Building, which has a 2,000 capacity auditorium, rented out to event holders/organizers, who also pay huge sums to access it. This in turn attracts and generates revenue directly to the school as well.

The funds generated from the facilities are used in good maintenance of the same facilities. Worthy to mention is the fact that these facilities have a facility manager hired by the old boys.

He manages the revenues generated from it as well, to ensure the facilities doesn’t suffer neglect, abandonment and dilapidation in our trademark lifestyle of complete lack of maintenance culture.

According to Benson Ejindu, nicknamed ‘MVP’ (Most Valuable Player), by the old boys for his long term commitment and generosity equally donated 32 million Naira during the just concluded convention in London.

He equally has a street Inside the school named after him, simply because of his philanthropic gestures to the school over time.

In his words, “the old boys are passionate and committed. We are driven by our love for our alma mater – C.I.C Enugu”.

According to the Chief financial officer of the old boys, Chike Okoye, who is in charge of their finances globally, had this to say as well , “C.I.C old boys give not because they have. They give because they care. This takes a lot of personal sacrifices. Kudos to everyone”.

Meanwhile, the next edition of the annual convention will be held in Los Angeles, United States of America tagged “LA 2025”. It is going to be another rain of pounds and dollars in the usual manner of the highly philanthropic old boys of C.I.C Enugu.

Watch Video Snipet From The Event Here: https://t.me/c/1314382990/3818



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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