Nigerian Man Raises Alarm As His Friend Went Missing After Marrying A Ukrainian Woman in Malaysia.

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Anambra state born hustler has allegedly gone missing since he married a Ukrainian Woman who he traveled with for years now.

Frankly we are greeted with all sorts of stories everyday, from crazy, bizarre, funny, unbelievable stories to the other. And this story you are about reading is one of such, as a certain young man identified as Don Chinenye is not comfortable any longer, following the sudden disappearance of his Igbo brother in Malaysia.

Well, a young Nigerian man who really cares about his friend has raised an alarm over the whereabout of his friend, identified simply as Steven. According to him, they used to stay in Malaysia together, then in 2017 Steven got married to a Ukrainian woman, and the following year the couple relocated to Ukraine.

He further revealed how he had tried to find out about Steven’s whereabout from his colleagues in Malaysia as well, but all to no avail. This is because none of those he enquired from say they have no information about Steven’s whereabout as well, as they have not met him as well since then.

In his exact words, “Please Malaysia in diaspora, this our, his name is Steve from Anambra state. After he got married in Malaysia with his Ukrainian wife since 2017, and later relocated to Ukraine with his dear wife in a year 2018.

Since then I haven’t heard from him, although I have asked some of my colleagues about him there in Malaysia but no one knows where he is…”

In the post, Don Chinenye shared a photo from his missing friend’s wedding, and he was equally pictured in the wedding photo as his friend’s Best Man during his wedding.

Read the complete post below…

Though some of the comments I have read on the post sounds comic, but this isn’t a funny issue. At least, there should be someone who would have met or heard from him all these years, not even on social media. It has actually reached the stage for him to raise an alarm.

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