Nigerian Man Narrates How He Was Chased Out Of The Church On His Wedding Day Because Of His Beard.

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A Nigerian man has revealed his sad encounter with a certain Church in the country during his white wedding ceremony.

According to this young man, he was sent out of the Church by the officiating man of God on his wedding day simply because of his over grown beard.

Sharing his story on TikTok, he wrote, “I was sent out of church because of my beard on my wedding day. The moment i was sent out church because of my beards. The pastor said he won’t wed us if i don’t shave my beards”.

And sensing that his wedding might be affected if the matter continues to drag on, he had to walk out of the Church and quickly located a barber’s shop closest to the place of the wedding, and had his beard properly trimmed. After which he returned to the Church and and continued with the wedding mass.

Meanwhile, many people have been reacting to the story, with majority criticizing the action of the Church. Citing that there’s no place in the Bible were it is condemned that people shouldn’t keep beards or for a man of God to punish people for keeping beards, including refusing to wed such people.

They further stated that most of these men of God are just being over religious, hence doing more than what the Christian doctrines stimulates.

On the other hand, some others said that in as much as such wasn’t stated in the Bible that it is very important for people to abide by whatever rules that governs any organization. And that if you are not comfortable there, then you may seek elsewhere, where your lifestyle and demands may be accommodated.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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