Nigerian Lady Reveals How & Why She Blocked & Cut Off From Her Multi-Millionaire Friend!

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A certain Nigerian woman identified as Blessing Ebongoku has revealed how she took a bold step to cut off a friend of hers, who is a multi millionaire, as she was gradually becoming a mental slave to her.

According to her, this her wealthy friend is such that whenever she needs something from you, that’s only when she remembers that she’s existing.

On the other hand, she will never be available for her whenever she needs her help, it is either she is not taking her calls, not replying messages or she put off her phone. Even, she would read her messages and will never respond to them.

Meanwhile, sometime last year, both of them had something important together and when it got to the time for her to fulfill her own part of the bargain, it went back to same old story; not taking her calls nor replying messages sent to her.

Angered by all these, Blessing decided to put an end to their friendship by cancelling the deal, blocking every means of communications they shared together, and moved on with her own life.

Then about eight months later, that her friend reached out to her, to know why she blocked her everywhere. Though she only told her to go figure it out herself, which she did and started her apology tricks.

The following day, the same wealthy friend called with a business proposal at hand, which she bold turned down, regardless of all the pleas and sweet talks from her. She stood her ground that she’s not interested in whatever business she has at hand, insisting she should look for someone else to do it with.

She actually kept pressuring her to have a change of mind, but all to no avail. Blessing Ebongoku made it clear to her as well, that it was because she needed something from her, hence why she’s just reaching out to her for the first time since about eight months ago, after she cut her off.

Which in other words, means that she’s hasn’t really changed her old ways of being an exploitive friend, who is interested and using and dumping you. Yes, only to find you useful whenever they need something from you, but will always turn their back against you when you need same help from them.

She then went on to advise people to be bold to reciprocate same energy they get from such friends, as they will not die as a result. Because if you continue to entertain such friends in your circle, it will continue to negatively affect your mental health.

Read up the full story from Blessing Ebongoku below…

Without mincing words, this is a regular lifestyle amongst many people in this part of the world. The rich are always in the habit of using and dumping the middle and lower class in the society, believing that you will always stick around for their sake simply because of their wealth.

That’s a typical example of what we have in the political space in this country. When it’s time for election, these criminal politicians automatically become angels on earth, you see them sharing money, food and other gift items to the poor people. They start installing street lights, building emergency roads, gifting transformers to different communities and villages, etc.

What’s the target? Just to deceive the people into voting for them, and once the election come and go, especially if they win, then that’s the end of their angel on earth goodwill. They turn into some sort of beasts or something worse, and that’s what you get across our society. Basically driven by the spirit and mindset of selfishness and exploitation!



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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