Nigerian Lady Reveals How She Got Blind Few Hours To Her Wedding, But Still Went On Regardless!

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Everyday we get to come across some of the scariest things in life, such that you be wondering how did such ever get to occur. But in reality, these things do happen once in a while, or some times, often in different ways.

Well, a certain Nigerian lady identified with her TikTok user name as @Explorraa or “Dora” has come out to tell her unfortunate story, which happened during her wedding.

According to her, while it was left with less than two days to her wedding ceremony, she went to a pharmacy to get eye drops, because her eyes were red as a result of stress as a result of the wedding preparations.

She was given a wrong prescription by the pharmacist on duty, advised to use it at night before going to bed. She did as instructed, only to wake up in the morning and couldn’t see. And this was just about twenty four hours to her much anticipated wedding ceremony.

She was eventually rushed back to the pharmacy were she got the eye drops. It was then it was found out that a wrong prescription was given to her by the pharmacist who attended to her the previous day. Seeing the situation, she was immediately booked for optometrist appointment.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t resolve the issue before her wedding which was just few hours ago. As such, she had her wedding blind, without having to enjoy sights of her special day.

IN HER EXACT WORDS: “How I lost my sight 24 hours to my wedding and got married partially blind. 36 hours before my wedding, I went to the pharmacy to get eye drops because my eyes were a bit red from preparation stress.

I explained why I needed the eye drop and the pharmacist prescribed an eye drop to me I was instructed to use it at night before bedtime which I did. I woke up the next day blind. Like I couldn’t see. My pupils were diluted. My eyes started tearing as the light ray was too much for my eyes to comprehend.

My vision was totally blur. I could only see very blur shapes but nothing more. I was completely blind only 24 hours to my wedding. I was taken back to the pharmacy where I bought the eye drop and the pharmacist that prescribed the eye drop to me was not on shift.

Because of the intensity of the situation, she was called to come to the pharmacy asap. The other pharmacist couldn’t understand why I was given such eye drop. The eye drop was mostly used for eye surgery or by an ophthalmologist to purposely dilate the pupils to fully examine the health of the optive nerve and the retina.

To think I was given such extreme eye drop was out of everyone’s understanding. When the pharmacist came she was scared. Seeing how seriously sensitive the situation was, they booked me for an immediate optometrist appointment.

When we got to the optometrist, as soon as he examined my eyes he told me it would take a while for me to regain my sight fully and there’s no way I would get my sight restored in 24 hours so I might have to go on with my wedding in that condition. I cried so much. The devil tried but he failed.”

Frankly, this is one of the worse things any person can ever experience in life, especially for any woman. Yes, wedding is such a special thing to every woman, as such, they don’t joke with.

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