Nigerian Hilda Baci Displaced By an Irish Male Chef As Current Guinness World Record Holder.

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This is not the best news for Nigerians, especially at a time like this that we are still struggling to make as much impact as we can on the global stage, and one of our leading transnational brand has sadly been displaced by another chef from Irish.

According to Punch Newspaper, Alan Fisher, who’s an Irish chef based in Japan has broken the Guinness World Record set by Nigerian Chef, Hilda Baci earlier this year, for the longest cooking marathon set by an individual, as revealed today by Guinness World Record, GWR, via their official website.

According to GWR, the Irish chef cooked for 119 hours and 57 minutes to surpass the record set by Nigerian Hilda Baci of 93 hours and 11 minutes, to become the Guinness World Record holder for the longest cooking hour/marathon.

On the other hand, Fisher equally set another astonishing record for longest baking marathon, for a straight period of 47 hours and 21 minutes, to also surpass the previous record of 31 hours and 16 minutes. Surprisingly, he undertook both record breaking adventure back to back, were he spent over 160 hours, straight, in the kitchen of his popular restaurant (Kyojin Stewhouse) in Tokyo, Japan.

He basically specializes in preparing his native country delicacies; tradition Irish meals. Meanwhile, in achieving this enviable records, he reportedly prepared about 550 kg of food and 3,360 portions of 32 Irish recipes.

And just like Hilda Baci, Fisher received and enjoyed massive support from his local community, as such, kept him going throughout the fatigue laced adventure, filled with both mental, physical and emotional stress.

Well, Hilda is yet to react to the latest development!

(photo credit: Facebook/Arise News)

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