Nigerian Girl Laments As She Was Denied Visa After Selling All Her Properties To Travel Abroad.

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Nigerian lady has elicited reactions across the internet following her recent ordeals arising from a failed Visa application.

According to her, she sold everything she had while planning relocating outside the country, unfortunately, the visa application wasn’t successful and she returned to square one. She shared photos from the new place she’s currently staying after the unfortunate experience.

“I sold everything in my house because I thought I would relocate. The visa was later denied then I started living in an empty apartment with no curtains in it and sleeping on the floor. This is my morning routine in an empty apartment.

Some persons have actually tackled her for such risky decision, especially when it wasn’t certain to her about the success of the Visa she was hoping on.


“Must you travel out? How can you sell everything to travel out?
What if you reach and couldn’t find job, or get deported, what do you intend to do?” Facebook user @ Global Movies Reviews.

“Nothing hurts like when you want to help your family, but you are not financially stable. I pray GOD opens doors for you for HIS Glory,” Gold Asa Nwa.

“I wish she used the money to continue her life here,” Oga Nebu.

“Do not sell your properties if you have not been given a Visa,” Destiny Chidi.

“My sister God’s time is the best, Everything depend on God time,” Prince Tonwe Oritseweyinmi.

“Thank God you didn’t sell the house …
Keep pushing,” Vanni Foodstuffs and Wears.

“It’s well, you will bounce back, and you also travel out soon,” Prince Nwoke Prince Nwoke.

“So sad. Hope you come over it
It can happen to anyone,” Ugist.

“Just keep pushing, at least u have where to lay ur head, I admire ur courage. Infact I love u❣️❣️

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