Nigerian Businessman And Tech Mogul, Charles Awuzie Reveal What Will Happen To Marriage Institution Soon!

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Marriage is one of the most beautiful things in life, an experience filled with lots of intoxicating feelings especially at the infant stages. Marriage is one of the holiest unions on earth, such that is treated with so much respect, sacredness and revered attributes.

But in recent times, it seems such golden virtues and attributes associated with this sacred institution has been bastardized and desecrated beyond redemption. Hence the reason we now see marriage crashing every minute like it’s friendship of two secondary school students. And most worrisome of the whole matter is how estranged couples rush to their various social media platforms to attack and castigate each other, throwing caution into the wind.

Little wonder this Nigerian businessman and Tech mogul, philanthropist and investor based in South Africa, Charles Awuzie has expressed great doubts over the continued existence of the marriage institution after this era.

“Marriage as an institution may not last another century. Your grandchildren may not marry- they will enter into short term renewable contracts,” part of his post reads.

Further, he added, “the contract will expire every anniversary of the contract and if they are not satisfied with their partner’s performance in the previous year, they will not renew the contract”.

Meanwhile, some other persons have actually thrown their weight behind his comment, on the ground that it will make couples to sit up in their marriages, knowing fully well what may befall them if they don’t.

Though this might sound harsh, but there’s a lot of sense and fact in it. Because once you are aware that your ability to retain your job lies in your performance, them there’s every possibility that you will sit up and perform even beyond expectations.

But I really want to know your opinion on this subject matter, especially if of you think that introducing contract in marriage is a good idea and will equally see the emergence of working and successful marriages.

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