Newly Married Woman Cry Out As Mother In-law Bans Her Own Mother From Coming For Her Omugwo.

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There’s nothing we don’t come across everyday on this our darling social media and internet, especially in this part of the world. The story on our desk this evening is such that is highly complicated.

It is about a certain Nigerian woman, whose marriage is just about a year old, and few days she gave birth to her first child. Surprisingly, her husband’s mother (her mother in-law) stormed their house, that she came for the amugwo (child visit).

Surprised by that, she approached her husband to know why it is his mother who came for the Omugwo instead of her own mother. Her husband then opened up to her, on how he has had the argument with his mother, but she insisted on being the one to come for the Omugwo.

Meanwhile, according to tradition, it is the wife’s who is to come for her daughter’s Omugwo, except otherwise. Maybe she’s not healthy enough to come or occupied by something else that couldn’t permit her to come for the Omugwo. But in this case, the wife’s mother is disposed for the exercise, but only denied by the overzealous mother in-law.

While the couple were arguing over who is supposed to come for the Omugwo, then the mother in-law over heard them and walked into their room. It was right there the mother in-law revealed her reasons for coming for the Omugwo, boldly making it clear that the mother of her son’s wife won’t come for any Omugwo in her son’s house.

Further, she stated that it is her son who sponsored her (the son’s wife) in the university, from the beginning till she graduated and went for her National Youth Service exercise, including setting up a big supermarket for the wife as well. As such, that her mother can’t come and continue enjoying the Omugwo goodies after all the son did for their daughter.

Unfortunately, she revealed how her own mother had actually gone to the market to buy things she will be coming for the Omugwo with, and really spent heavily on that. She lamented how her mother will feel when the news finally gets to her, that she won’t be coming for any Omugwo in her daughter’s marriage, worse still, her only daughter for that matter.

“My husband loves his mother so much. He couldn’t even utter a word. Though he is not a talking type. Honestly this is shameful to me,” she lamented.

“Meanwhile, this is one thing my mother has been waiting to experience all her life, I remember how she talks about it when I have not married, and how happy she was when I was finally getting married. I can’t just imagine the kind of pains and disappointment she will go through once this decision of my mother in-law is communicated to her,” she said crying bitterly.

“Now, as the only girl, where else will my mother go and experience this Omugwo she had always desired for? If it’s for me I can actually over look it, but what about my mother? This will be too heavy on her, and she is hypertensive as well. God why?” she continued in tears.

She equally talked about how her marriage is too young to be subjected to all these kind of marital crisis, something she despised with all her heart, and had always prayed for God not to allow her experience such in her marriage.

Teaser: if you were in her position as a woman, what will you do?

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