Mike Tyson Reveals His Ugly Encounter With King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

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Boxing legend Mike Tyson during a recent interview revealed one of the biggest embarrassing moments he encountered at the peak of his career.

According to him, his ego was completely destroyed due to the sort of treatment he got from the King of Pop, and that was in 1989, at the peak of his boxing career. He was with his promoter Don King in Cleveland, and Jackson had a concert there, so he decided to attend with Don King.

“The first time I met Michael Jackson was probably like in 1989. It was in Cleveland and he had a concert. I’m with Don King and I told him “Let’s go see Michael Jackson at his concert,” Tyson said.

At the concert, Michael Jackson had finished performing, and while he and Don King were at the door side, Michael Jackson came out to the door, waiting for his car to pull up. Then he seized the opportunity to meet the singer, only for him to ask Tyson where he knew him from.

That very question killed his ego instantly, as he was at the peak of his career, the world know about him (Tyson), except Jackson. It was such an embarrassing moment for him, and haunted him for a long time, that he instantly made up his mind to subject another famous person to the embarrassment he suffered in the hands of Michael Jackson.

“We go to the concert and when Michael Jackson performed his last song, and we were by the door and Michael Jackson stood by the door A waiting for a car. And there’s really nobody there except me and him,” he continued.

“While he was waiting for the car, he was looking at places and people were coming over from the band, from the backstage, I tried to get clõser to him since I went there to see him in person.

“When I got close to him, he looked at me and said with his small voice, “Where do i know you from?” And I was shockęd cuz I was at the height of my career and I was the bâddest man on the planet at that moment.

“Then Michael Jackson goes like, “Do I know you from somewhere?” Since he already destroyèd my ego, I said NO SIR! You don’t know me, I came to your show and I’m just a great admirer of yours.

“Then he said ok and turned around and got into his car with his composure. I said “Oh! I’ve gotta try what Mike just did to me on somebody famous,” he concluded.

Though Tyson eventually became a close member of the Jackson’s family, even till date.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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