Mike Ejeagha: Flavour, Phyno & Kcee Working On The Next Project With The HighLife Legend?

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This will surely be a massive one and one of the biggest musical projects of this era…

Since the viral dance video by Brain Jotter which was inspired by lines from one of the songs of veteran highlife musician, Gentleman Mike Ejeagha, a lot of conversations and gestures have been triggered by the trend.

And it time to birth one of the biggest achievements and anticipation out of this whole beautiful scenario, that has continued to trigger happy and joyous feelings in the heart of millions of people out there, both home and abroad.

While some persons may have visited the legend in his Enugu residence, made a couple of gift and cash donations, including from Brain Jotter himself. But that shouldn’t be the only angle to this whole thing.

Yes, because once the trend dies down, that chapter will be closed, except something similar happens again. Don’t frown your face, it’s just the truth because it is something we have always experienced here.

At this juncture, Flavour Na’Abania, Phyno and Kcee should step in, seize the moment and take this whole thing to another level. Time to pick out one or two songs from Mike Ejeagha, remix it and watch the fire burn longer.

No doubt, we know the capacity of these mentioned musicians, and even some others as this is not just limited to the three of them. Once these artists jump into any of his great songs, I bet you it will be an instant hit.

And possibly, all the earnings and royalties from the song/songs should be donated to the 94 year old musician. Aside the monetary gains, it is another way of honouring him, and immortalizing his great legacies in the music industry.

While this can be done by anyone of them who finds the project worthy of their time, but it will be better if they team up and do it. Yes, it will give it a good push up there, such that it will go far, more than expected.

This will be one of the best gifts we can actually gift Mike Ejeagha, especially while he’s still alive. We have seen a couple of such great musical projects in the past, of which one of them is “Baby Mi Da” by 2Baba and Dr. Victor Olaiya.

While it is equally commendable for those sampling lines and others, from his songs, all are part of the project of immortalizing his great works.

But doing a remix of one or two of his songs, involving some of these heavyweights, more especially Flavour Na’Abania who is a versatile singer, will definitely be the ultimate of it all.



Seasoned Writer, blogger, author, content creator and filmmaker. So passionate about educating and entertaining and world with my pen forever!

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