Meet The Lady Who Was Abandoned By Her Boyfriend Due To Unwanted Pregnancy- She’s Now a Beauty Queen!

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You see this woman here, Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma, she’s indeed a model for her fellow women, especially those going through plenty shege and see finish.

Recall that some time ago, probably about two years ago, she got pregnant for the man in her life then (her then boyfriend), and he eventually abandoned her at the middle of the deep blue sea. What was the abomination she committed? She refused to abort her precious baby, who has turned out to be her greatest source of joy, happiness and peace of mind in her life as of today.

For many months, she was left to wallow in endless pains, trauma, tears, hardship and hopelessness just for keeping a pregnancy against the wish of a certain “yeye boyfriend”.

She never gave up, and equally refused to get rid of the pregnancy as advised by many people. Yet, she managed to pull through, emerging as one of the strongest women ever known, and now she’s a comfortable woman, providing for herself with ease while also lending helping hands to the needy. She can comfortably provide for her cute son as well.

This is the kind of woman that we need as role models in this part of the world, especially on social media platforms. Her lifestyle is a great inspiration to others out there, most especially her fellow women going through heartbreaking conditions. In other words, don’t give up, have faith and hope on the right path you have decided to follow in the journey of your life.

On the other hand, she could have quickly chosen to abort the baby for many convincing reasons. She could have equally chosen to delve into hook up to earn money for her survival and upkeep, but she refused to be plunged into dirty and unholy lifestyle all because of the troubles of life and the pressure exerted on her by these problems as well. But she maintained her cool, knowing that there’s always the green light at the end of her tunnel, as such she maintained her dignity at the most difficult moments of her life.

Let’s just be honest with ourselves, how many women can actually face all these and refused to fall into the trailing temptations? It is extremely rare to find such a virtuous, hardworking, intelligent, smart and focused woman in the world of today. Yes, a world were everyone is over money conscious and ready to do anything just to have that money, yet it is the same world that we found Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma.

Meanwhile, it is so painful that we are not celebrating her enough, though expectedly, because good things do not trend in this country, it is negative things and dirty stuffs that moves market here we’ll enough. Which is one main reason we have many youths in this country who are not interested in building a good name, but only interested in anything that fetches huge money for them.

God continue to bless, provide and protect her always, while equally urging her fellow young people to emulate her lifestyle!

(Photo credit: Facebook/ Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma)

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